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 3x01 - The Purple পিয়ানো Project
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Source: waxandstrings / rawr_caps @ LJ
season 3
episode 1
the purple পিয়ানো project
season premiere
Having my baby
what a lovely way of saying
How much আপনি প্রণয় me.
Having my baby
what a lovely way of saying
What you're thinking of me.
I can see it your face is glowing

I can see it in your eyes.
I'm happy knowin' that you're having my baby.
You're the woman I প্রণয় and I প্রণয় what it's doin' to you.
Having my baby
you're a woman in প্রণয় and I love
What's goin' through you.
The need inside you
I see it showin'
the seed inside you
do আপনি feel it growin'
Are আপনি happy in knowin' that you're having my baby?

I'm a woman in প্রণয় and I love
What it's doin' to me.
Having my baby.
I'm a woman in প্রণয় and I love
What's goin' through me.

Didn't have to keep it
wouldn't put আপনি through it.
আপনি could have swept it from your life
But আপনি wouldn't do it
আপনি wouldn't do it.
And you're having my baby.

I'm a woman in প্রণয় and I love
It didn't take long for Will and Sue to pick up where they left off on last night's return episode of Glee. Specifically: at each other's throat.

Sue uttered on hilarious quote after another about Will's hair, namely that আপনি could season a কাজের জায়গায় with the amount of product he uses in it. Amazing stuff.

But there's no way these two would ever hook up, right? It's difficult enough to imagine them as friends. Still, স্বতস্ফূর্ত creator Ryan Murphy teased to E! News this week:

"We do a very interesting episode where Matt [Morrison] seduces Jane [Lynch]. He does 'Tell Me Something Good' দ্বারা Chaka Khan and tries...
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added by Blacklillium
নমস্কার guys. Now...yes, this break from স্বতস্ফূর্ত is good and bad at the same time. Bad? Well...there's no Glee. I mean, that just sucks! Good? It gives us time to think about what may happen for the undergrads, the graduates, the adults--just everybody! We're all wondering and asking the exact same questions. What's going on with Finn and Rachel? Who is going to be leading New Directions? Who all is coming back on Glee? The তালিকা goes on. Personally, I wonder about these things, too. The one thing I mostly think about is all of the undergrads' storylines. I know, Quinn and Santana are my পছন্দ characters....
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 ...the বছর of TV in 2009 will be remembered as the বছর of Glee!
...the year of TV in 2009 will be remembered as the year of Glee!
Hey, everybody! So the July FOTM pick is over and done with and our winner is a really awesome স্বতস্ফূর্ত fan: girly_girl, aka Rachel, who contributes alot and makes this spot active all the time! Major congrats to her for winning! This FOTM শিরোনাম is so deserved! And I, as a পূর্ববর্তি winner, am so honored and happy I could interview her. Anyway, away we go! ENJOY!

1. First off, would আপনি mind introducing yourself to the স্বতস্ফূর্ত অনুরাগী and telling us something আরো about yourself, something that we don't know? :)
Well, my name is Rachel, I'm 17 and I live in Ireland. My fave colour is purple and I প্রণয় chocolate!...
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added by xxx_brit_xxx
added by Kathi_Tischer
added by Kathi_Tischer
added by lunarstars13
added by gleeconfesions
added by gleeconfesions
Source: gleeconfesions on instagram
added by gleeconfesions
Source: gleeconfesions on instagram