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Kristin Spoilers!!



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mummy the link ain't working :(
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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It's not?

Try just clicking on this: link

And OMG pp I haven't talked to you in ages! How are you?
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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its still not working :( o well don't worry
im ok thanks K :) bit busy with exams etc but still...
how about u?????
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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HOLY CRUD. She told us how they met! HELL YEAH!
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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blaukat said:
"And for Cuddy it's House, and it always has been." *EVEN DEADER*

edit: i just hope they don't screw this up making it a hallucination thing >.<
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
last edited বছরখানেক আগে
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LailaLE said:
Hehehe, they asked her about the Cuddy having twins thing, and squee for the House and Cuddy backstory!
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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:) me coming home to this made school worth going to =) *DIED*
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MoniBolis said:
So that's how they met.
are they gonna tell us that on the show?
I'm so freaking happy!!!!!!
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
last edited বছরখানেক আগে
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omg!! I hope they mention it on the show how they met!!
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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how did they meet.
somebody please copy and paste it or something
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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Gtalisa said:
I love her so much <33333
"I loved the way they got House and Cuddy together. I loved that she was suffering so much and he was suffering so much and that's what brought them together initially."
So, this means it has to be real, right? can't be a hallucination. I love her excitement over Huddy. It really does make everything so much more exciting and enjoyable. She's amazing.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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big smile
nataselli said:
How was the new kissing scene with Hugh Laurie?
It was great. I wouldn't complain. I have a great friendship with Hugh, and he's supersexy, so who could complain about kissing him?

We know that House and Cuddy have sex soon. So tell us, was the sex good?
[Laughs] Apparently! You're not gonna see me get naked or anything, but it was a pretty hot scene.

Are Cuddy and House more than a passing comfort to each other?
I don't think it's a passing thing. It's been going on for a long time whether or not they've acted out on it. I don't necessarily think it will ever be a satisfying relationship in terms of both of them kind of settling in and saying this is what we're doing. But she has a complicated relationship with men it seems. She likes the screwed up ones. I totally relate. It's a beautiful, complicated adult relationship between those two characters. Neither person is one thing or another. They're dynamic individuals.
Is there a chance that there is a twist that the Huddy hookup is some sort of dream or hallucination?
Well, I mean, there's a chance for anything isn't there?

What will sex do to their relationship?
You'll have to find out.

Will we find out how the relationship changes in the finale?

Can you tell us more about the backstory of when House and Cuddy first met and how they became so close?
Initially, he was kind of legendary in the school she was an undergraduate in. And she, I think, was maybe even a little obsessed with him, and she ended up auditing a class that she knew he would be in. I think he was doing a brushup class, and she audited it to check him out because he was exactly the kind of lunatic she likes. I related to her taste in men. I definitely don't have the best taste in men. I don't know that intelligence and taste necessarily go hand in hand. I think what we're attracted to in finding a partner is usually something that resolves some complicated piece of our past. And for Cuddy it's House, and it always has been.

How does the staff react to Huddy getting together?
I think that the rest of the staff is pretty much waiting for them to get together. I don't think it's a secret. Sometimes when people have chemistry with each other, it's just so obvious. It's not like he doesn't talk about it. He's constantly referring to her body and teasing her in front of everybody else. It's like schoolyard banter. He might as well be chasing her and pulling her braids.

Is there jealousy with Cameron?
I don't think Cameron feels jealous. Part of her sees the House-Cuddy relationship as the right thing, and maybe a part of her will always have that crush on House. Like we all carry a torch for somebody. But no, I think if anything, Cuddy worries about Cameron.

What was your favorite moment on the show so far?
I loved the way they got House and Cuddy together. I loved that she was suffering so much and he was suffering so much and that's what brought them together initially. I thought that was a beautiful moment of writing.

Any truth to the crazy rumor that you end up pregnant with his twins?
[Laughs] Oh really? I haven't the faintest idea. I have not heard anything to that affect. I don't know that Cuddy should be wandering around the hospital carrying twins.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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"Sometimes when people have chemistry with each other, it's just so obvious." mmh... I'd so say the same for her and Laurie in real life!!! It's just so obvious...:-D

Great interview, she's always so spunky I love her! Hope the Huddy backstory will be brought up somehow in the last eps!
posted বছরখানেক আগে.