Sabrina Aisenberg

Authored by PrincessLdyBg91

Florida baby and her yellow blanket disappear in middle of the night -

Four-month-old Sabrina Aisenberg was last seen on November 24, 1997 in Valrico, Florida. Her mother, Marlene told the police that she checked on Sabrina at approximately 12:00 a.m. and she was asleep in her crib. When Marlene checked on her again at 6:42 a.m., Sabrina was gone along with a handmade blue and yellow blanket with pictures of animals and yellow piping.

One of the doors and the garage door to the Aisenbergs' house was discovered unlocked, an unidentified blonde hair and shoe print were found near Sabrina's crib as well as seven unidentified fingerprints inside of the house. One of the Aisenbergs' neighbors reported that his dog barked at 1:00 a.m. on the day Sabrina went missing. After the neighbor let his dog outside, he thought he heard a baby crying somewhere in the distance, but it's unknown if the crying sound was from Sabrina.

Neighbors told that police that there were several incidents involving attempted break-ins in the area in homes with small kids at the time. The police suspected Sabrina's parents, Marlene and Steve were involved in their daughter's disappearance. They also questioned why the Aisenbergs' dog never barked during the night Sabrina went missing.

Three weeks after Sabrina's disappearance, the police got permission to put listening devices in the Aisenbergs' home and according to the police transcripts, Marlene and said that Sabrina was dead. In 1999, they were indicted on charges of conspiracy and additional charges.

In 2001, a judge discovered that investigators lied about getting permission to place the wiretaps in the Aisenbergs' home. Steve and Marlene were cleared of all charges, and they received $1.3 to $1.5 million. They filed a lawsuit in 2004, but the judge dismissed it.

Steve and Marlene took polygraph tests given by their lawyer and the sheriff's office. Although the sheriff's office hasn't released the results of the polygraph tests, Marlene and Steve claim that they both passed. They haven't been ruled out as suspects in Sabrina's disappearance, but are cooperating in her case.

In 2003, it was suspected that Sabrina was "Paloma Unknown", a baby girl who was abandoned in 1998 after a woman in Michigan saw Sabrina's missing-child poster and recognized the resemblance between Sabrina and Paloma; however, a DNA test ruled out that possibility.

Sabrina's case is classified as an endangered missing person. Since then, Marlene and Steve moved to Maryland with their two older children, and maintain their innocence in her case.