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Source: Riya Jose
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This টুইলাইট সিরিজ ছবি might contain ব্যবসা উপযোগী.

posted by joe-edwardfan
Kristen Stewart
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Kristen Stewart

Stewart at Hollywood Life Magazine's 7th Annual Breakthrough Awards, December 2007
Born    Kristen Jaymes Stewart
April 9, 1990 (age 19)
Los Angeles, California, United States

Occupation    Actress
Years active    1999 – present
Kristen Jaymes Stewart (born April 9, 1990) is an American film and টেলিভিশন actress. She is known for roles in films such as Panic Room, Zathura, In the Land of Women, Adventureland, Into the Wild, The Messengers and...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 21
When his hands touched mine an electric current flashed through my body something so strong,something I wasn’t familiar with.
I held his hand tighter in mine then I felt his cool breath on my neck,I tore my gaze from are hands and looked him in the eyes,his beautiful eyes that made my weak human হৃদয় to rip its way out of my chest.then I realized I was falling for him again so I pulled my hand from his and sat on the bed.
Why am I so stupid.whats...
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posted by twilight_james
Chapter 7

I was hunting with Jane again one night, but she ran off quicker than usual. I went to follow her but she called out “Edward, please don’t follow me. Get away from here. Now. Go. Please”
I was mystified দ্বারা her words. What did I have to run from? There wasn’t anyone who was displeased with me at the moment. Well, maybe Carlisle. But he would never hurt me. Or…….or what if it was something else, something I had never thought of. What if……what if she had found a mate?
The realization hit me hard. I stumbled back, my breath knocked out of me. Of course, we’d both knew that...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 20
While Alice was dragging me to see her family I was worried what will happen when I see edward I mean after all this years ,we moved on and stuff……..ooh I'm such an idiot what can happen??? Nothing can happed if he remmembers he left ME! I didn’t leave him! So what does he wants now?.....
I was thinking hard not realizing were she was dragging me when someone hugged me
-oh Bella I'm so happy to see আপনি look at you!!! আপনি havent changed at all!
Then he laughed his booming laugh,awww I truley miss Emmett he always made me laugh and made fun of me
-Bella honey,how are you?
Esme came...
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posted by twilight_james
hehe! edits! tell me if I forget to put ina chapter!
Chapter 5
(Carlisle’s POV)
My son came down to see me. Oh how joyful I was, at first thinking that he was going to try me way of life again. But he came with girl, a vampire from whom I knew from many years ago. Edward introduced her
“Hello, this is-“
“Jane,” I cut him off. “Nice to see আপনি again” Edward looked mildly amazed. I guessed that Jane had either not told him about the Volturi, অথবা that I used to be a part of it. Probably the former.
“Come in,” I said, breaking the awkward silence. Jane and Edward came and sat down.
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posted by RenesmeeFan
আপনি promised me that
every time we touch
আপনি will never release your hold
your hold on to me
your hold on to reality

আপনি promised me that
no matter what happens
আপনি will comfort my aura
my aura of my stress
my aura of my mind

আপনি promised me that
my feelings for আপনি
would never change
never change from love
never change from us

আপনি promised me that
nothing would ever
be serious in life
that life was a game
but that I was the dice

আপনি promised me that
though we come from seperate worlds
no one could hold us back
hold us back from fate
hold us back from destiny

And as I look around the room
I realise
that all of us
in our own two intertwined minds
are Inseperable.
posted by Rob_patt_fan

I'm soooo very sorry that I didn't get a chance to write. School's keeping me busy every মিনিট so I can't come to ফ্যানপপ often. I'll write for ya all tomorrow... And again..I'm so very sorry for not writing...I was thinking of some ideas to continue my story but I was scared to continue cuz I didn't know if they were good cuz my mind was busy with homework and the things আপনি know!!! So... I didn't continue it till now, which I have a great idea for continuing...So... tune in tomorrow to read it. K?

প্রণয় U ALL


please dont be angry with me i promise to write soon i will let আপনি know if i already start লেখা again...thank you.please still read the story if i ever updated the পরবর্তি দিন অথবা the দিন after that
'New Moon' turns Michael Sheen into a vampire

Michael Sheen plays Italian vampire Aro in Twilight: New Moon.

By Susan Wloszczyna, USA TODAY

If Michael Sheen isn't doing something biographical, chances are it's supernatural.
He has left his mark on the horror genre as Lucian, the leader of the werewolf rebellion against the aristocratic ভ্যাম্পায়ার in the আন্ডারওয়ার্ল্ড trilogy.

But now he's switching teams as Aro, the head of the Italian vampire cult known as the Volturi in New Moon, the latest big-screen chapter of the Twilight saga that opens Nov. 20.

Why যোগদান the bloodsuckers?

"I wanted to see how...
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posted by bella01

"finally" i said

i finally finished buying all the things i will be needing tomorrow.i walk toward my car,opened the door and got inside.i started the engine .i am driving to the house now.i looked at my wrist watch,it is already 5:04 pm.i sighned.i thought i could finish the shopping trip before 4:00 pm.the road is already dark.i am driving very fast to get প্রথমপাতা fast.

i arrived at the house after a few minutes.i walked towards the house and open the door .i went inside and walked around finding the house empty.

"where could they be?"i asked myself.

i started walking to my room now.when i...
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(Ahh ahh, ahh ahh)

There ain't a whole lot left to say now
You knocked all your wind out
You just tried too hard and আপনি froze
I know, I know

What do ya say? What do ya say?

Just take the fall
You're one of us
The spotlight is on
(Ahh ahh)
Oh the spotlight is on, oh

You know the one thing you're fighting to hold
Will be the one thing you've got to let go
And when আপনি feel the war cannot be won
You're gonna die to try what can't be done
You're gonna say, say out that আপনি don't care
Now is there nothing like that inside of আপনি anywhere?

Oh just take a fall...
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My name is Samantha, I'm 16 years old and I live in a small town called Coconut Grove, Florida. My family and I moved here from Forks, Washington when we were just little kids. Meaning my twin brother and I. My twin's name is Oakley, he has really dark skin like my dad and blonde hair like my mom. My dad tells me that I look just like my mom, blond hair and blue eyes. My hair is natural I have nevered dyied it at all. I don't really have that many বন্ধু and the ones I do have are guys. Girls here in my town don't like to surf all the like to do is lay out in বিকিনি and boy watch. Okay, I...
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I thought about what Renee ব্যক্ত at that moment. "You'll think of this years later and you'll start laughing." Oh how very wrong she is right now.

I don't think she'll be laughing if she finds out that her baby doesn't belong to her lover but instead her super abusive boyfriend. That is what I'm doing right now.

I stare down at all the documents with Edward holding our, I mean mine and Jacob's, baby. Renesmee Carlie Cullen... অথবা should I say Renesmee Carlie Black. I feel like crying. It was a mistake to ever start dating him.

Sobs rise out of my chest. "Sh... Bella honey. It's okay." I...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
Shh! The set of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is so tight lipped the only news coming from set are tweets from the actors and director David Slade. So what gives? In the past, The Doors were open but not while Slade is in charge. Even with a tight set we have still managed to find a new set picture that is beautiful and breath taking. For the last two weeks the নেকড়ে-মানুষ and ভ্যাম্পায়ার have been brawling the woods somewhere in Canada, and today we know where that somewhere is. Nanaimo Lakes area is where the cast has been filming the fight scenes and take a look at this picture... Looks amazing! Be honest, is it too early to started getting all jazzed about Eclipse?
posted by lollipopszx3
A Way to Spend My Birthday

"Where are আপনি going mommy?" asked a six বছর old Bella.

"Out." she ব্যক্ত sadly. She has been really sad lately since daddy took a visit to her friend. "Okay. When are আপনি going to be back?"

"Not for a while. আপনি will come visit me one day. Jennette with take care of আপনি for a while."

That was the last memory I had of my mother. I never really understood what she meant দ্বারা out. Not until now.

As I read this letter tears were pouring restlessly down my cheeks.

"Dear Bella,

If আপনি are পাঠ করা this letter this means you've turned 18. I loved আপনি very much but when your daddy...
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posted by anna0789
emma's pov

i open my eyes and saw seth staring at me
was this a dream??
"seth ?" i ask
maybe he would disappear অথবা i would wake up
"emms! good morning !" he ব্যক্ত and চুম্বন my cheek
and then i remember
seth had finally come he was here with me and he was a নেকড়ে silly me didn't remember all this

i hug him
"seth i miss আপনি so much i was so worried never leave me please" i hid my face on his shoulder becuase i realize i had started to cry

"its ok ems i will always be there for আপনি ,always forever ok" he ব্যক্ত and চুম্বন my hair
"so what do আপনি want to do today , i know is friday but do আপনি mind skiping...
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posted by teamalice_0
Something intresting happenes, just a heads up.

I distangled myself from the hugs of death. Even though I couldn't be squeezed to death, I still didn't want to be hugged. Even when i was human I didn't like dto be hugged, she always called me a 'rebel' though I behaved. Everyone turned towards the door, Edward and Alice came in.

Their eyes gloden, they probably hunted. Which I needed to do.Maybe I could go do that soon....

"You can আপনি know." Edward, I almost forgot that he could read...
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posted by anna0789
emma's pov

it has been 3 days since seth had dissapear well the story was that he was at jacob black's house but i know it was a lie because everyday i went to look at the house it was empty today i pass দ্বারা the house and saw the kitchen's light
i stop and run and knock furiously

jacob black open the door
"what did আপনি did to him where is seth" i slap him so hard but jacob didn't সরানো i didn't even hurt him a little i started to cry

i needed seth he was the one that hug me when i needed that calm me i needed seth

"seth is taking a shower" jacob said
"ok i'll wait him" i ব্যক্ত sobbing
"no is late...
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The দিন has come and we can all now stop wondering what songs and artists have made it onto the New Moon soundtrack! We are really looking অগ্রবর্তী to what promises to be an amazing soundtrack for our listening pleasure!

1. Death Cab For Cutie – “Meet Me On The Equinox”
2. Band Of Skulls – “Friends”
3. Thom Yorke – “Hearing Damage”
4. Lykke Li – “Possibility”
5. The Killers – “A White Demon প্রণয় Song”
6. Anya marina – “Satellite Heart”
7. মুসে – “I Belong To আপনি (New Moon)”
8. Bon Iver and St. Vincent – “Roslyn”
9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – “Done All Wrong”
10. Hurricane Bells – “Monsters”
11. Sea নেকড়ে – “The বেগুনী Hour”
12. OK Go – “Shooting The Moon”
13. Grizzly ভালুক – “Slow Life”
14. Editors – “No Sound But The Wind”
15. Alexandre Desplat – “New Moon (The Meadow)”
Ok Readers so this chapter has to be done in Jacobs POV you’ll see why when আপনি read it. I am doing it like this because the is a secrete that আপনি have to know ok. So yeah this is just a before Bella gets pulled over I don't want to spoil it but just think of when she got pulled. Enjoy.
Geva Taylor Hale

5. Secretes


Jacob, Wait for me! Do not act on your own, I will be the in a minute. Do not take action. Sam told me I didn’t change my stances. I was ready I just need one false সরানো then I had them all.

I looked Sam was here. I may be Alpha but I do not care far the treaty the...
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