আপনি are called off to train. As আপনি walk through the white bare halls with your dark brother আপনি notice that this isn't something that your going to be able to go through easy. When আপনি enter the training battlefield আপনি see Stark figeting with Lilinette's hands, which were trying to hug him. The battlefield is a circular arena with an antisepic stench in the air that made আপনি wrinkle your nose. Ulquiorra explains that your matched up with someone that আপনি are supposed to fight."Well who am i matched up with?!" আপনি ask nervously."Szyial."he says supicious of you. আপনি nod your head, while switching your expression to a আরো boldful look.
আপনি are ready to fight. Szyial seems determined to win আপনি think to your self. Your match begins. আপনি are really nervous as look at the stands আপনি see Stark, Lilinette, Grimmjow, Ulquiorra, even Lord Aizen came! Attack after attack আপনি dodge, then আপনি finally decide to take out your sword. Clashing with Szyial's sword it is like a never ending dance.
Suddenly আপনি remember the full body cero আপনি were able to do. আপনি chose to unlock that power. Now as your body heats up with energy your rising to the sky as soon as your whole body is a silloute of blue আপনি let this elastic hold go and drift back down. আপনি open your eyes....Szyial was on the ground....not moving.
আপনি are ready to fight. Szyial seems determined to win আপনি think to your self. Your match begins. আপনি are really nervous as look at the stands আপনি see Stark, Lilinette, Grimmjow, Ulquiorra, even Lord Aizen came! Attack after attack আপনি dodge, then আপনি finally decide to take out your sword. Clashing with Szyial's sword it is like a never ending dance.
Suddenly আপনি remember the full body cero আপনি were able to do. আপনি chose to unlock that power. Now as your body heats up with energy your rising to the sky as soon as your whole body is a silloute of blue আপনি let this elastic hold go and drift back down. আপনি open your eyes....Szyial was on the ground....not moving.