আলাদীন Which is your favourite scene from Aladdin?

Pick one:
"It begins on a dark night"
"One jump ahead"
রাজকুমারি জেসমিন
On the marketplace
জুঁই and আলাদীন
Jafar and জুঁই
আলাদীন and Abu in the prison
The cave of wonders
The lamp
Genie "Friend like me"
Prince Ali
"I am not a prize to be won"
"Just go jump off a balcony"
A whole new world
The চুম্বন
Bye,bye Prince Abubu
"Jafar আপনি vile betrayer"
Aladdin's struggle
The engagement
"The most powerful sorcerer in the world"
"And your beard is so...twisted"
The snake
Jafar the genie
"I choose you,Aladdin"
Happy Ending
 tiffany88 posted বছরখানেক আগে
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