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"You want me to do what!?" Anders yelled at his mother who refused to look at him.

"You're being sent to track down your brothers and bring them back here to fight."

"You can't be serious can you? আপনি actually expected me to agree to this?"

"It doesn't matter whether আপনি agree অথবা not," Humphrey said, "The council has made their decision, আপনি have no choice অথবা say in the matter."

Anders paused and looked at both of them. "You can't be serious." He repeated while looking for any change in his parents hoping that it was only a terrible joke. After a মিনিট of silence Anders finally sat down in astonishment.

"Anders......This is our only hope of getting the valley back..........We have no other choice."

Anders ignored his father's reasoning and continued to look at the ground in disbelief. He shook his head and began to walk the other way.

"This is unbelievable. After what they've done, after they abandoned the pack?"

"Can আপনি think of any other way to end this war?" Kate snapped.

Anders stopped dead in his tracks. He knew there wasn't much hope that the pack would be able to go up against the northern and southern নেকড়ে combined power. Not wanting to accept the fact, Anders began running tactics through his mind. All of them seemed to fall apart even before they started and he soon gave up. He slowly closed his eyes, sighed deeply, and slowly turned to his parents with his head hung in defeat.

"Alright...I'll do it."

"What!?" a soft scream ব্যক্ত as he ব্যক্ত this. Anders and his parents turned towards the noise all knowing who it was.

"Faith?" Called Anders.

Faith hesitantly emerged from her hiding place and walked over to Anders with a sad look on her face.

"What are আপনি doing here?"

"I was coming here to see how আপনি and your parents were doing...but then I heard আপনি yell so...I hid."

"So? আপনি heard everything?"

Faith nodded unable to look into Anders' eyes.

"What's wrong though?" asked Anders not knowing he would regret asking.

"Oh he's a goner now." Whispered Humphrey while Kate smiled and nudged him to be quiet.

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG!?" Faith began to stomp অগ্রবর্তী to Anders while he stepped back with every word that she said. "You're leaving to place unknown and you're asking me what's wrong!?"

"I......I don't understand Faith...I mean I leave all the time."

"That's not the same thing আপনি idiot! You're going to places that might get আপনি killed, and আপনি expect me to just sit here and wait?"

"Well uh....erm..yes?" Anders ব্যক্ত struggling to see the point of her anger. Faith tackled him like a train hitting a tiny sports car.

"YOU THICK HEADED ALPHA!" She yelled as they landed on the ground, "How can আপনি not understand? I don't want আপনি to leave me! I don't want আপনি to get hurt somewhere where I can't help you!" She began to cry and loosen her grip. "I don't want আপনি to die! I প্রণয় আপনি ANDERS!"

Faith cried into Anders' chest, and Anders was stunned at the amount of emotion and pain she was in. He wrapped his paws around her as she continued to cry.

"Please...Please don't leave me Anders."

Anders was conflicted. He looked at his parents for at least a little sign of guidance, but all their faces held was confliction as well.

"Faith...Anders...... um," Humphrey started as he walked over to the two, "He...He has to go Faith."

When Faith heard this she got up in an attack stance and growled at him. She was just about to attack when something stopped her. "He's right Faith."


"There's no other way Faith. If I don't we may lose আরো if they come after us."


"I প্রণয় আপনি too Faith... That's why I have to do this. We need to take back the valley so we will be able to live নিরাপদ and happy lives. There is no other choice. I have to do this. So if I promise to come back... Will আপনি wait for me?"

"Are আপনি sure আপনি can keep that promise?"

He rubbed his nose with hers, "I'm sure I can keep this one."

Faith sighed deeply and rubbed her nose with Anders'. "Oh Anders, I প্রণয় you."

"I প্রণয় আপনি too Faith."

Humphrey moved closely to Kate and snuggled with her. "Looks like our little নেকড়ে is growing up..." Humphrey ব্যক্ত to his mate who was looking happily at the two lovers.

"Yeah...do আপনি think it was the right thing to do to send him out there?"

"Come on Kate, this is Anders we're talking about. He'll bring them প্রথমপাতা safely." Humphrey ব্যক্ত as he nuzzled Kate.

"I প্রণয় আপনি Humphrey."

"I প্রণয় আপনি too Kate.
Kate was sitting at the edge of the গর্ত looking down on the moonlite park. The breeze blew through the trees and the sky was bright and clear. Kate had a lot of things on her mind but there was just one thing she had to get straight? For the past week অথবা so KIMs powers were very weak and she wasnt sure why? KIM was always keeping quiet about it and would never really tell her anything? "I think tonite is the night I find out why? Kate stood up and walked to the গর্ত and saw KIM lieing inside with her head tucked away underneath her arms. "KIM... she whispered." KIMs head rose, as she let out...
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Warning there will be badwords and some jokes about some charectors, maybe some violents,


Humphry The Bad Ass!

Garth the Banger!

Kate and Lilly, hot গাধা sisters

Salty, shakey, and mooch, নেকড়ে gangsters

Hutch, the badass ninja!

Winston, the biker!

Eve, the demon wolf

Humphrey: hello my name is humphrey, and Welcome to the world of JACKASS!!! *humphrey gets a gun and shoots the gas tank and everybody flys every where**humphrey is humping the air looking like a badass* *kate has her thumbs up*.
kate: Awesome!!!!
*garth hit hutch and every body just get all messed up*
Humphrey: wooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!...
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**PLEASE NOTE that this part has sexy content please keep away from kids......or critics thank আপনি enjoy**
As they got done howling they started walking towards the city and the army truck that Hutch was talking about before, Hutch was walking up front with Kate,Austin , and Garth Winston was walking with the rest in the back, Humphrey:"How much further?" Hutch:"were almost there" after couple of মিনিট they saw the army truck Hutch:"this is it" Winston took a look at it from both sides front to back Winston:"well this was a truck from WW2" Lilly:"didn't আপনি fought in WW2 dad?" Winston:"yes...
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Snow C-2
an Alpha & Omega story

Disclaimer: This chapter contains scenes of violence, blood and upsetting scenes.
Read at your own decision!

Chapter 2: On a তারিখ with fate

(The পরবর্তি morning)
(Snow's POV)

I awoke from my late night sleep and stretched my legs and started walking to the mouth of the den. It was a beautiful দিন but it wasn't very warm, despite that the sun was out and thats all i wanted to see. So today is the big দিন where I have to make the journey to the central pack and see if I'm going to get a warm welcome অথবা make a journey that's going to end in me getting killed as soon as...
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(Chapter 1 Link: link)


The sudden sound of the trains whistle echoed through the forest around us "I would say we better get a সরানো on so আপনি don't miss that train" Marcel ব্যক্ত taking off followed দ্বারা Paddy "Alright" was all I ব্যক্ত as I started to run towards the sound of the train. Soon I could see the tracks and noticed the train gaining on me. "Do আপনি think I can make it?" I called out above me to the birds

"Yes sir!" Paddy called out "and just as আপনি hit the tracks আপনি should see an open train car!" "We'll avoid truck stops, bears and that hideous dessert, what is it called?" Marcel...
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Chapter 2

Humphrey POV

3 Years Later.....

I have been everywhere in this country known as the United States. I respect it, I learned something new to each state I've been to.
51 States.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Especially Idaho,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Louisiana,Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi,Missouri ,Montana, Nebraska, Nevada,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South...
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Chapter 3: Hutch meets his Match
- - - - -
"So as আপনি can see," Humphrey tells Wildflower after they enter a clearing with different ledges, "The pack is much bigger than it used to be. That's because the Western and Eastern packs were united due to multiple failures during hunts."

"Wow." Wildflower says, a bit astonished, "I have a question, is your mate an Alpha?"

"Yes, Kate is an Alpha." Humphrey replies. "Why do আপনি ask?"

"Just curious." Wildflower says, then she turns her head away for a moment.

"Wow, Humphrey must be an Alpha too if he married Kate. But I thought he was an Omega, like me."...
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The Mystery of Alpha Condor

Prologue: A নেকড়ে named Condor, was on a regular walk to fetch lunch for his family. He was an alpha, rank B, and he was a tough mutt. When he was in school, multiple guys made fun of him for his পশম color: purple. On that day, those same people pushed him into a caribou running herd, and he was killed. No one cared for his death, and his soul possessed his own body, and killed his wife, and his two teenaged sons. আরো and আরো নেকড়ে have disappeared since that day, and that's where the story begins...

Chapter 1: A good day

It was a very sunny দিন in jasper park, and...
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Adrien's POV

It must have been morning when I woke up I hurt all over. I scratched my eyes but my right one suddenly hurt because I just clawed it with something. After I sorted It out my vision cleared and I looked at my hands…They weren't hands they where paws, and when I poked my eye I must have scratched it with my nail. When I tried to stand normally I just fell backwards, so I stood on all fours. Then I felt something new I turned my head as much as it would and saw a tail. Then It scared me I've turned into a নেকড়ে for some odd reason. I looked around and suddenly saw নেকড়ে standing...
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"i still প্রণয় আপনি humphrey" "well guess what alpha দুশ্চরিত্রা i don't'' "lily went up to garth flipped him off and kicked him in the tummy anout ten times and knocked out his air. "lily please i could explain evrthing" " whisper it to me garth" " huh garth im so sorry about everything let's get back together" they made out for about twenty minutes. "humphrey i could explain" " explain it to me" "oh kate is sorry let's get back together" humphrey picked up kate put her on his back as garth did to lily they got on a train. After so much howling and making out they go tired. কাজের জায়গায় up at canada got off the train they all got backed pawed দ্বারা eve. then they lived happily ever after.

posted by trueshadowwolf
Warning language, other sick stuff, and violents and pranks
"Hello, my name is humphrey the omega, AND THIS IS JACKASS!!!!" humphrey said. He got out a ফুটবল ball, filled with bees. He kicked it at garth, and thier asses were getting stung. "Oh Shit, ha ha ha!!!" Humphrey laughed. "DUDE THATS NOT COOL.... THE FUCK? I THINK MY গাধা IS NUM NOW." garth shouted at humphrey.

The squrrel.

Humphrey goes to a forest. Kate sawed him. "Hey humphrey!" Kate shouted. Then humphrey went behind a বৃক্ষ Then all the sudden a squrrel showed up. *Kate tips her head* " huh, humphrey?!" Kate ব্যক্ত confuseingly. "Humphrey.......
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Humphrey was just walking into a bar. And he sat down on a chair. Ordered a drink. "Who the hell are you?!" Balto showed up. "None of your Fucking busness!" Humphrey snapped. "I hated your movie, its just a cheap knock off of balto." Then balto just pushed Humphrey. "Don't go there!" Humphrey said. "I just did, গাধা wipe!" Balto said. Then Humphrey and balto gave evil eyes. Then Humphrey grabbed a glass bottle and hit balto with it. And balto was bleeding. "FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" balto shouted. He jumped on Humphrey...
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(A/N sorry for the delay but hopefully you'll forgive me so lets see what happens!)

"Lilly these past few days have been fun and I.... I think এল-মৃত্যু পত্র like you." 

"Aww thanks I like আপনি to!!"said Lilly 

"No Lilly I mean I think I প্রণয় you."said Humphrey looking down.

"oh..... Ive been wanting to tell আপনি something to .....umm I kinda like আপনি to."said Lilly with a grin on her face.

"Really?!" ব্যক্ত Humphrey as his eyes widened and a smile on his face.
"Yeah... So what do we do now?" asked Lilly. "I think we should keep walking and just have fun ya know?" 
Said Humphrey with a smile still on his face.
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posted by trueshadowwolf
it was the first দিন of summer and humphrey and his বন্ধু were so bord. "(sigh) we should do something." humphrey said. "OH আপনি WANT TO PLAY JACKASS?" salty said. "NO remmeber what happened last time?" humphrey said. "oh yeah." salty said.


shakey and mooch and salty chuckled. "OK, OK, OK IN COUNT IN 3...1...2...3!" humphrey said. he got hit in the crotch with a porky pine. "AHHHHHHH DAMN IT HURTS!!!" humphrey screamed. 5 MINS LATER. "damn it rip it off." humphrey said. "ok ok just...hold still..." shakey said. (RIPS THE PORKEY PINE OFF humphreys crotch) "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"...
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 Kate visiting Winston's grave
Kate visiting Winston's grave
The morning after Kate's father had died, Kate decided to visit his grave all দ্বারা herself. Her and Humphrey had not yet told their son and daughter, Christie and Dennis, that their grand father had passed away, so Humphrey was in charge of telling them while Kate was away.

While Kate was walking to her dad's grave, she thought to herself, 'Wow, it's been such a terrible বছর with death, first Tony(he died of old age), then Garth(he died in a hunting accident along with two other wolves) and now Winston'.

Finnaly, she had gotten to her destination, her father's grave. She went a grabbed a...
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As of this morning, Sweets, Tesla, and Jeena are in Jasper. After talking most of the night last night, Sweets, Jeena, and I decided that they need a break from the Human World, so they can remember (and in Tesla’s case, learn) what it is to be a wild, free wolf. There was nothing ব্যক্ত as to when, অথবা even if, they might come back here with me to stay. Sweets and Jeena were pretty disgusted with the things that have gone on in about the last month, so they ব্যক্ত they wouldn’t be in any hurry to come back. To quote Sweets “I’d rather eat তিক্ত berries in Jasper, than eat মাংসের ফালি in the...
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posted by Lilyomega11
নমস্কার Everyone! Finally got on my computer so I can write a longer story for আপনি guys! If আপনি haven't checked out number one please do. It's short but cute and kind of leaves off on a cliff-hanger. So... for all আপনি girls and boys who want to see #2 here it is...

"Oh no!" whispered Lily, trying hard not to let the Grizzly hear her. She didn't want her pups to get hurt.
"Lily! Take the pups and run. I'll deal with this!" Garth whispered back.
"Daddy! I want to fight!" ব্যক্ত Tiger. He was always trying to be just like Garth. He was bound to be a great hunter one day.
"You're not old enough yet...
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when it was morning me and kate woke up and got some water. "hey want to go board slideing"
i said. "humphrey its too early to do that." kate said. "oh, come on kate don't be a dud." i said.
"(sigh) fine" she said. "YAAAAY" i shouted. "BUT only this once." she said. "okay" i said. AND then... "hey kate whatcha DOIN" lilly said. "oh me and humphrey are going to go board sliding." kate said. "oh, that sounds like fun." lilly said.
"hey garth আপনি want to come." lilly said. "really i have to hang out with this coyote." garth said.
"YOU ব্যক্ত YOU'LL BE NICE TO HUMPHREY." lilly threatened garth....
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
Name: Sasha Jennifer Thompson

Species: Canis Familiaris

Breed: German Shepherd (Anthro)

Mate: Me (HumphreyAlpha)

Children: None

পশম color: Black and tan

Eyes: Brown

Age: 25 (unsure how to define)

Career history: Sasha has worked with the Brooklyn and New York police departments for a total of two and a half years. She applied to the ACIA (Anthro CIA) and worked there for around two months before meeting me and resigning.

Likes: weapons, the sense of authority she has from her career, cars, fine wine and food

Dislikes: Douchebags, deliberate idiots, and rap

পছন্দ color: Blue

পছন্দ band: Foreigner

পছন্দ food: Filet mingon, salmon

পছন্দ movie: Anything with the CIA in it

পছন্দ TV show: NCIS
 How she normally looks
How she normally looks
 As a sweet কুকুরছানা
As a sweet puppy
The পরবর্তি morning I woke up facing Katie. With her eyes closed she looked exactly like Kate. Just like Kate she was perfectly beautiful when she slept. I inched অগ্রবর্তী and kissed her on the nose, her purple eyes fluttered open, and a big smile formed on her face.
"Morning beautiful!" I said.
"Good morning Jon, that was so fun last night!"
"Yes it was," I said. We kissed again letting our tongues slide in each other's mouth. For 15 মিনিট অথবা so we just lay there kissing, finally Kate began to stir and it was then I sat up. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I got out of bed. Went to the bathroom...
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