it was a cold rainy দিন were we begin at the T tower
bb-(bb means beast boy)RAVEN !!!!
raven-ugh what i am training!!??
bb-get a bucked the house is leaking
raven-here god now leave me alone
bb-were is rick
bb-are kid gees what have u been missing
raven-shut up he is in his room playing video games
bb-he has school in a half an ঘন্টা come on get him ready!!!
raven-no school today there will be a tornato
bb-what do u mean no come on :(
raven-just kidding he has the flu so he cant go to school so he is in his room ok
bb-o ok good
raven-now we have some time alone what do u want to do
bb-*messes around*
raven-what was that
bb-what was what
raven-i heard a crash
bb-go check on the kid
raven-*checks on kid*what did u do
kid-i had to poo sorry
raven-well u killed the toilet
bb-(bb means beast boy)RAVEN !!!!
raven-ugh what i am training!!??
bb-get a bucked the house is leaking
raven-here god now leave me alone
bb-were is rick
bb-are kid gees what have u been missing
raven-shut up he is in his room playing video games
bb-he has school in a half an ঘন্টা come on get him ready!!!
raven-no school today there will be a tornato
bb-what do u mean no come on :(
raven-just kidding he has the flu so he cant go to school so he is in his room ok
bb-o ok good
raven-now we have some time alone what do u want to do
bb-*messes around*
raven-what was that
bb-what was what
raven-i heard a crash
bb-go check on the kid
raven-*checks on kid*what did u do
kid-i had to poo sorry
raven-well u killed the toilet
okay i just made the first অনুরাগী club site for raven. it is called "Ravens অনুরাগী club". it doesn't seem to come up under searches, i'm working on that, until then just go to my পরিলেখ page and go thru there. I really need অনুরাগী to যোগদান to keep this site going, and i know আপনি all like raven, so please join.
I'd also appreciate any kind of দেওয়ালপত্র অথবা ছবি অথবা চলচ্ছবি অথবা anything that আপনি think will make the site better. please, we all like raven... help me keep this going.
and now i'm just wasting মহাকাশ 'cause i need আরো freakin words...
I'd also appreciate any kind of দেওয়ালপত্র অথবা ছবি অথবা চলচ্ছবি অথবা anything that আপনি think will make the site better. please, we all like raven... help me keep this going.
and now i'm just wasting মহাকাশ 'cause i need আরো freakin words...