Being Nice Club
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La'Tasha, also known as Oak_Town Queen, is a ফ্যানপপ member that is a great person to be বন্ধু with.

If আপনি need someone to brighten your day, Oaktown কুইন is there to make a good, bright impact on your day.

This club is about being nice. Is being nice something that Oaktown কুইন succeeds at? Absolutely! She is always very nice to me. Her niceness spreads around ফ্যানপপ and makes a good, powerful impact.

The world needs আরো positivity and less negativity. Thankfully, Oaktown কুইন is there to give ফ্যানপপ and its members lots of positivity. She spreads her good mood, positivity, thoughtfulness and sweetness across the website of Fanpop.

As members of Fanpop, we are lucky to have a member as great as Oaktown Queen. She has the powerful compassion that websites like ফ্যানপপ should have. She changes things for the better.

Thank you, Oaktown Queen, for being such a good friend to me and others. I greatly appreciate your meaningful amount of powerful kindness.
added by mldust
added by ইওর্কসায়ের রোজ
added by mldust
added by mldust
added by ইওর্কসায়ের রোজ
Source: photobucket
added by mldust
posted by blackparade
Two college women's softball teams were competing when one player hit the ball out of the park but couldn't make it around the bases. Apparently her leg gave out from under her and she couldn't run. It's against the rules for one of her teammates to run for her. When a member of the opposing team realized what was happening she opted to carry the young woman around the bases so that her run would count (and as it turned out it was the winning run). When asked why she did such a generous thing, she ব্যক্ত she always learned it wasn't about winning অথবা losing but about how আপনি play the game.

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added by FansofWaiLana
Source: অনুরাগী of Wai Lana
added by ইওর্কসায়ের রোজ
Source: photobucket
added by xat-fk
added by ইওর্কসায়ের রোজ
added by mldust
added by mldust
added by ইওর্কসায়ের রোজ
added by ইওর্কসায়ের রোজ
added by ইওর্কসায়ের রোজ
added by ইওর্কসায়ের রোজ
Source: photobucket
added by trisha1