Boyfriends What do your parents think of your boyfriend?

Pick one:
Approve... thank goodness
Approve... thank goodness
Mixed emotions
Mixed emotions
They don&# 39; t care
They don't care
As long as I&# 39; m happy
As long as I'm happy
Like?... they don&# 39; t even know he exist
Like?... they don't even know he exist
Hate him and want us over... but we তারিখ secretly
Hate him and want us over... but we তারিখ secretly
Hate him... and made us break up
Hate him... and made us break up
They like him and know him, but don&# 39; t know we&# 39; re...
They like him and know him, but don't know we're dating and won't know
Haven&# 39; t introduced them yet... but will soon
Haven't introduced them yet... but will soon
I don&# 39; t know and I don&# 39; t care
I don't know and I don't care
they think we are বন্ধু
they think we are বন্ধু
Added by anabeht19
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 PACKERSRULE2 posted বছরখানেক আগে
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