Awww, they are SO cute!!!!
Note: Please pay attention to whose POV it is, we'll be switching POVS a lot.
Narrator: Ahhhh, Valentine's Day. The দিন for love, peace, and kindness. Why, let's look at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten and see the প্রণয় spreading!
Buttercup: Ew, Valentine's দিন is soooooo mushy!
Blossom: Buttercup, try to enjoy today! It's Valentine's Day! It's time to love!
Buttercup: So?
Bubbles: And it's time to kiss! (giggles)
Buttercup: And.....?
Blossom and Bubbles: And it's Valentine's Day, that's wassup, Buttercup!
Narrator: Oh, no! It looks like some kind of eeeee-vil is sneaking up behind our precious Girls! Oh thank...
continue reading...