Brick and Buttercup Club
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The three evil-looking dark shapes were edging closer and closer to Buttercup. Blossom lunged forward. She knocked them out of the way just before they touched Buttercup. Blossom closed her eyes and wiped her forehead. Then her eyes brightened. She had finally done it! She specifically saved the whole world all দ্বারা herself( Well, just Buttercup)! Then she looked down and nearly pooped her pants. The dark shapes were the Rowdyruff Boys! "What the heck was THAT for?!?!" Brick demanded. Then Blossom realized something. She looked down at her পরাকাষ্ঠা dress and discovered a humongous brown stain that...
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The Powerpuff Girls were lounging around in their room when the Mayor called. "Powerpuff Girls!", he cried. "There's been a bank robbery!!!!" " Really? Where? " asked Blossom. "At the bank!" " We're on it, Mayor! " The Girls flew toward the bank and landed there. It was the Rowdyruff Boys! "Well" , ব্যক্ত Brick. "I see the Powerpuff LOOZAHS have arrived to "do good and spread justice!" ",Yeah!" ব্যক্ত Boomer. Brick slapped him. " Owwwww! " "Ooooohhhh, I'm so scared!!" snickered Butch. Then, when Buttercup started getting mad, the Boys noticed it. Buttercup's beautiful brunette hair, her big muscles,...
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Note: The Powerpuffs and Rowdyruffs are teenagers.
Brick- I'm hungry
Boomer- Shut up stupid
Brick- আপনি calling me stupid, stupid?!
Boomer- Don't pick a fight with me! If আপনি want a fight, go and piss off Buttercup! She's like the best fighter ever!!
Brick- Fine, stupid
*Brick flies away*
Brick- Yo, Buttercup!
Buttercup- Shut up, f*cking b**ch
Brick- Hey, don't say bad words
Buttercup- Oh, yeah, like আপনি know how to be nice
Brick *angry*- I am nice!
Buttercup- Hah! Then চুম্বন a girl here, any girl!
Brick- *thinks* I have to teach her a lesson!
So Brick kissed Buttercup.................on the lips.
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added by Buttercupbabe
added by BricknButtercup
added by meow_girl
(were ganna start with Blossom and Booomer at the lake. Boomer walks up behind Blossom) Boomer:Blossom? Blossom:Boomer? Wat are আপনি doing here? Boomer:I want to see আপনি I have to tlk to you..... Blossom:Boomer dont wast your time on me nobody likes me thay just want me there for my brain ,and ...... Boomer :Blossom your perfect the way আপনি are ,and I dont care wat anyone says bout আপনি your my পছন্দ girl!! And I প্রণয় you! Blossom:Hum......*tought*I like Brick right? Im I falling for Boomer ? Ya ill just let it go...*end tought* Boomer: I প্রণয় আপনি and I know আপনি may like Brick ,but I can give...
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 Awww, they are SO cute!!!!
Awww, they are SO cute!!!!
Note: Please pay attention to whose POV it is, we'll be switching POVS a lot.

Narrator: Ahhhh, Valentine's Day. The দিন for love, peace, and kindness. Why, let's look at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten and see the প্রণয় spreading!
Buttercup: Ew, Valentine's দিন is soooooo mushy!
Blossom: Buttercup, try to enjoy today! It's Valentine's Day! It's time to love!
Buttercup: So?
Bubbles: And it's time to kiss! (giggles)
Buttercup: And.....?
Blossom and Bubbles: And it's Valentine's Day, that's wassup, Buttercup!
Narrator: Oh, no! It looks like some kind of eeeee-vil is sneaking up behind our precious Girls! Oh thank...
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Note: The Powerpuffs and Rowdyruffs are teenagers.
Brick- Wow I প্রণয় Buttercup. Wait what am I saying?! I'm supposed to প্রণয় Blossom! Eh, but we're not getting married অথবা anything...
Brick has fallen in প্রণয় with Buttercup!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brick- But what'll happen if Butch finds out? He loves her! Man I better go talk to Boomer....
Brick finds Boomer coloring a pretty picture.
Brick- Boomer I need your help!
Boomer- What is it?
Brick- Remember when I fought Buttercup?
Boomer- Where are আপনি taking this?
Brick- Well I fought her, and she, uh, beat me up, and........ ITHINKIFELLINLOVEWITHHER!!!!!!
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 This is Kristina Pimenova.
This is Kristina Pimenova.
নমস্কার guys! Sorry, raven_beauty isn't here. But I'm sure you'll be excited, because my name is Kristina Pimenova! আপনি can call me Kristie P. Gaw! Ever heard of me? I'm the prettiest girl in the world! Yeah, if you've ever heard of me, you'll know why they call me the prettiest girl in the world.

Anyway, this'll be interesting. When I joined Fanpop, I didn't know what my ব্যবহারকারী নাম would be. Then I got the idea of raven_beauty. It was perfect because I was a big অনুরাগী of Raven from Teen Titans Go, and I am beautiful. But ফ্যানপপ ব্যক্ত the ব্যবহারকারী নাম was already taken! But then I recognized raven_beauty...
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We now continue our story when the Rowdyruff Boys fell in প্রণয় with Buttercup. When the Powerpuff Girls were flying home, Blossom was worried because she knew that the Rowdyruff Boys fell in প্রণয় with Buttercup. And she was in প্রণয় with Brick, so that made it worse. Bubbles didn't know anything about the incident. She was just flying প্রথমপাতা happily. But then Blossom told her about the Rowdyruff Boys in প্রণয় with Buttercup. Bubbles gasped. She had a crush on a Rowdyruff Boy, too! Boomer! Bubbles was so shocked she stopped flying and started falling out of the sky, saying ",God, please, death come...
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added by BricknButtercup
added by bubbles12320
added by meow_girl
Kaoru's P.O.V.

My name is Kaoru Matsubara and I'm on a তারিখ with Brick Jojo.
I know you're wondering how I got into this mess.
Two girls known as Momoko and Miyako set me up on a তারিখ with him.
Reason: I don't know but I guess I can kind of thank them on the process.

Way Earlier
Miyako's P.O.V.

"Momoko-san come here and look at what I found it's Kaoru's Sketch Book" I ব্যক্ত as I handed Momoko the Sketch Book.
"Shall we see what big tough Kaoru draws in there?" Momoko says and I nod right away.
"Look she even wrote a টেবিল of contents in here, How helpful we can find out what is in each page." ব্যক্ত Momoko....
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added by brute6566776
(at the ppgzs house) Buttercup: So Blossom who do আপনি like? Blossom: Nobody why? *tought* why dose my sister want to know?* end tought* Buttercup: Just wondering.....Sorry. Blossom: Im not fussin just wanna know why আপনি wanna know thats all.... Bubbles:Well...Um I have to go get some stuff for my project....Ill be back later bye!! Buttercup and Blososm: Be careful!!! Bubbles: *yels* I will be!! Buttercup: Blossom,why wont আপনি tell me who আপনি like ,I know আপনি like someone Blossom dont lie im ur sisster I wont tell anyone... I promis!!! Plz tell me!!! Blossom: Okay as long as it gets আপনি off...
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added by naruline
Source: naruline