The days and মিনিট were a blur to Jarrah. They went দ্বারা with such pace. Nothing seemed to matter to Jarrah expect the trip to Japan. She couldn’t wait to eat lots of sushi and noodle soup. The দিন finally came for the trip to জাপান and as she boarded the luxurious business class plane, she farewelled Melbourne and Jarrah and her class were away!!!
The plane was an amazing sight. The seats were covered in black leather of the highest quality. The floor had cream coloured carpet that was as clean as a brand new ডিনার plate. The খাবার was delicious and had loads of variety. Jarrah had the fettuccine carbonara and Amber had a big bowl of লেবু gelato with বাদাম biscotti. The বন্ধু shared their Italian-themed খাবার with each other (and their iPods for that matter) all the way to Japan.
The plane was an amazing sight. The seats were covered in black leather of the highest quality. The floor had cream coloured carpet that was as clean as a brand new ডিনার plate. The খাবার was delicious and had loads of variety. Jarrah had the fettuccine carbonara and Amber had a big bowl of লেবু gelato with বাদাম biscotti. The বন্ধু shared their Italian-themed খাবার with each other (and their iPods for that matter) all the way to Japan.
I see it in Rome,
I see it in Tokyo,
Beautiful land surrounding me,
From here to San Francisco.
The barren deserts,
The sweet, sweet sunsets,
The sweltering streets,
And the smouldering cities.
It’s surrounding me,
Almost consuming me,
I need to escape,
To the wide, wide sea.
There it is!
As big as can be!
With starfish and coral,
And all kinds of things!
All kinds of creatures!
From all kinds of places!
With big পরাকাষ্ঠা snouts and tiny faces,
Their diversity gets rid of the land’s spaces!
Creatures and nature,
Lovely and free,
All over the wide, wide land,
As free as can be!
I see it in Tokyo,
Beautiful land surrounding me,
From here to San Francisco.
The barren deserts,
The sweet, sweet sunsets,
The sweltering streets,
And the smouldering cities.
It’s surrounding me,
Almost consuming me,
I need to escape,
To the wide, wide sea.
There it is!
As big as can be!
With starfish and coral,
And all kinds of things!
All kinds of creatures!
From all kinds of places!
With big পরাকাষ্ঠা snouts and tiny faces,
Their diversity gets rid of the land’s spaces!
Creatures and nature,
Lovely and free,
All over the wide, wide land,
As free as can be!
“Well look who it is Amber,” ব্যক্ত Jessica in a sarcastic tone. Amber ignored her. “Oh my god Jarrah! Are আপনি ok? I was so worried about you!” Amber lunged towards Jarrah and gave her a big hug. “I’m so sorry about what I ব্যক্ত at the shops. I was just angry that আপনি dropped us for Naruto. Now I realise that আপনি two are a couple and I can’t stop that. আপনি know what? I wouldn’t stop আপনি guys being together even if I could!” Jarrah, নারুত and Amber had a group hug. Jessica started to feel guilty for once in her life. “I’m sorry Jarrah,” Jess ব্যক্ত in a tiny voice, but with a lot of meaning. “That’s alright, Jess. যোগদান our group hug!” So the four of them hugged on the footsteps of the hotel, feeling আরো loved and united than ever before.