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TVLine's Performer of the Week: Charlie Hunnam

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It was called Charlie Hunnam’s ‘Sons of Anarchy’ Performance — Season 7, ‘Suits of Woe’ | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
A weekly feature in which we spotlight shining stars
first revved its engines for the series’ final ride, we’ve anxiously awaited the crucial moment when Jax would learn the identity of Tara’s true killer. We
that moment wouldn’t come until late in the season — Episode 10, to be exact — and we
that Jax would likely come undone as soon as he discovered his own mother murdered the love of his life.
What we couldn’t anticipate, though, was just how breathtaking Charlie Hunnam would be in his portrayal of a man learning of a devastating betrayal.
’ final season, Jax has shown mere glimpses of the heartache he feels over Tara’s death — a few somber monologues around the table with his SAMCRO brothers, a sudden wave of emotion after sleeping with prostitute Winsome. Deep down, Jax has been hurting; Tuesday’s episode allowed Hunnam to bring that pain to the surface in the most spectacular way.
As Jax sat across from Juice (an also-terrific Theo Rossi) and heard the exact words he was hoping he wouldn’t — “She must have gotten in a brawl with Gemma” — Hunnam didn’t have to say a word to communicate Jax’s grief. Instead, you could see it in the way his shoulders shook, in the way he hung his head, in the way his eyes flickered past confusion, anger and despair in a matter of seconds. Many
fans considered the season’s first 10 episodes an opening act for this moment when Jax would learn the truth — and Hunnam did not disappoint.
Later, as Jax commiserated with Nero about Gemma’s betrayal, Hunnam once again lowered his character’s guard in a way we hadn’t yet seen. “How could she do this to Tara?” he sobbed, holding his head in his hands. “How could she do this?” And them with a mixture of horror, shame and grief, he admitted that, despite Gemma’s actions, he still loved her. “She’s my
There is perhaps no character on TV right now who’s quite as conflicted and tormented as Jax Teller. With so many of us anticipating Jax’s anguish in this week’s episode, Hunnam had a tall order to fill — and his performance exceeded all expectations.
HONORABLE MENTION | “I know who you are.” When
’s Jimmy said those five words to Dell, revealing for the first time that he was aware the strong man is his father, the lobster boy’s portrayer, Evan Peters, released so much sadness with his tears that we didn’t just want to give him an Honorable Mention, we wanted to give him a hug. What followed, as Jimmy begged Dell to admit it was true, was nothing short of a master class in vulnerability. Between this scene
 his impressive rendition of Nirvana’s “Come as You Are,” we can only conclude that — in the best of all possible ways — he’s a total freak.
?” It’s not every day six simple words send an icy chill running down our spines, but then again, it’s not every day those words are delivered with acute precision by
‘ Joseph Morgan. Monday’s episode forced Klaus to face his estranged father after centuries, and while the exchange was difficult for the immortal orphan, the true burden fell on Morgan, who channeled his character’s rage, pain and fear into a silver bullet that shot straight through viewers’ hearts. The look on Klaus’ face as he held his dying father in his arms will haunt our nightmares — and our DVRs — for eternity.
My performer of the week would have to be Viola Davis on “How To Get Away With Murder.” The way she portrayed Annalise orchestrating the events of “Murder Night” was masterful. And I have to give major props to Kerry Washington, who gave what I feel is one of her best performances ever in her scene with Jeff Perry toward the end of this week’s “Scandal” winter finale.
I so agree about Viola Davis. She takes this character, who is clearly flawed, and, in less capable hands, incredibly unlikeable, and makes us root for her, while keeping us on these of our seats. I hope she’s given serious Emmy consideration!
The first time I remember seeing Viola Davis was in the movie “Doubt” with Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman and she was so good that she held her own with those two acting powerhouses. I’ve enjoyed her in everything since. She is an amazing actress and I’m so glad she’s on my TV screen. (I’m not, however, as big a fan as you or Ms Washington’s acting abilities).
I agree, Viola, Kerry and Jeff where amazing! I know they have been nominated in past episodes, but who cares, when your good, your damn good!
No Allison Janney? You should have different articles for comedy and drama especially now it’s a new season there are a lot of really good performances.
Amen. One of the worst shows I’ve ever seen.
Thought jomo was over the top like he is every week those tears loose their meaning when he sheds them every single week so I cant get behind that choice at all
Charlie Hunnam and Evan Peters are excellent choices. I wish Frances O’Conner from the Missing would get a mention. That show is so suspenseful and brilliant. Its so underrated as most shows on Starz are.
You know that’s right. The first episode of The Missing was amazing and I haven’t read anything about it anywhere.
I love SOA and Charlie as much as the next, but this week all I could focus on was how he was in and out of an American accent. It totally took the emotion out of scenes for me, it’s all I could think about while watching. I wonder if it’s because there was no score in most of his scenes.
I know some people have a problem getting past the accent, but I’ve been watching SOA from the beginning–when I hear Hunnam now I just hear Jax, who has a unique way of speaking.
I’ve noticed that more and more his accent is coming out but I’m good with it.
I realize this is “Jax speak” and I’ve gotten used to it and been ok with it through the seasons but I get what Sal is saying. It seems to be more noticeable this season and it’s been a bit distracting to me this season too. Still, a great performance from Charlie. With Jax, Gemma, Nero, Tig and Venus they are knocking it out of the park this year acting-wise.
He has fallen out of his American accent the last few episodes at moments, last episode was constantly though I agree!
I don’t even notice it, I just love how he talks.
Don’t be petty, how racist do you sound right now, so because it was a Non-american accent, you did not connect with his performance. Pathetic.
WTF? Sounds like someone needs to learn the definition of “racist”… SMH
I have no problem with his accent, I love it actually! I didn’t start watching it until season 4 and caught up on Netflix. When I started I was confused if he was suppose to have it and I missed something or if Charlie actually had an accent. Then I never heard it for a few seasons and now I’ve noticed it again. That’s all, I’ve just noticed when he gets emotional (be screaming angry or upset) it comes out. I don’t have a problem with it and love the show and Charlie! Just an observation…
I noticed it this last episode. I don’t care he can speak anyway and it’s great. I wonder if it’s insanely hard when you are crying and super emotional to try to keep the American accent. It would for me. I’m happy he was chosen as potw!
He can always make me cry. That scene, talkibg to comatose Elijah, telling how he killed him. All great scenes!
What? No Jimmy Smits? Viola Davis and Theo Rossi.
I know Jimmy Smits and Theo Rossi were also wonderful.
Nope. That episode was owned lock, stock and barrel by Charlie Hunnam. With all due respect to Rossi and Smits, no one else even came close.
I agree Rossi and Smits were runner ups to Hunnam. He had it locked down this week
The two honorable mentions were fantastic and, with all due respect to Charlie Hunnam, deserved to have top ranking.
I agree 100% with the choice of Charlie Hunnam as the Performer Of The Week, he turned in the best performance that’s ever been seen in Sons of Anarchy bar none.
Oh TVLine, Joseph Morgan?! I used to love him on TVD but come on. There are so many much more deserving actors who deserved that spot instead.
Who didn’t see this coming?? Very well deserved. Charlie Hunnam was absolutely fantastic. Viola Davis would be my honorable mention.
Loved Joseph Morgan these last two weeks. He really brought it in that scene with his father. Really sad to watch but so good
That last scene between Nero and Jax should get Charlie and Emmy. It was raw & heartbreaking and was delivered with such intensity and emotion. Everytime I think about it, I tear up. Charlie Hunnam knocked everyone out of the park this week. He was brilliant.
I also feel Theo Rossi delivered the best perfomance of this career on SOA, he’d be my honourable mention.
what about jack falahee, tom verica or even viola davis for how to get away with murder! those 3 were fantastic this week!
I feel people that rag on him for his accent are very discriminating and petty, so what is it! you don’t like the English accent or maybe you don’t like your precious American accent being mixed up with other accents. There’s nothing wrong with his accent, he could have any accent in the world and would still deliver a great performance every week just like he did last episode. If you are that superficial then stop watching the show!
I’m sorry were you not watching how to get away with murder this week?
Viola is always that dramatic and emotional in every episode, it’s great but its nothing new!
Agree, and TVline have already given her performance of the week, I like that they try not to repeat actors getting it.
All due respect. .. but SOA is the ONLY TV show we watch and Charlie Hunnam killed it in this scene as he does each episode. Raw emotion….I can’t wait to see his as well as all other actors from this series in future projects. Kurt Sutter ….Hats off to a job very well done….
All good things must end but this is one ride that should never end!
First performer of the week I have agreed with 100% this fall TV season. Charlie saved all that emotion for that moment and delivered in a big way. Jax was broken and for the first time in 10 episodes, he wasn’t planning his next move. I lost it with him when he cried and said “how could she do that to Tara?” He asked what we have all been thinking since it happened. Theo Rossi and Jimmy Smits were excellent too.
Nicole Beharie from Sleepy Hollow did a pretty great job this week. She’s great in every ep but this episode showed a huge amount of talent. Even Lyndie Greenwood or Aunjanue Ellis as a guest star. Adelaide Kane and Toby Regbo of Reign should have least gotten a mention. They’re phenomenal talent, every week.
I knew Charlie Hunnam would get it this week- well deserved! Jimmy Smits was fantastic too and a close, close second for me. Also agree with the other choices. I’m glad you’re spreading the performers around this year.
I thought Mandy Patinkin was excellent this week. He usually has to be stoic and keep Saul at a simmer. But under this week’s circumstances, he delivered in an outstanding episode.
I thought this one was a toss-up between Charlie Hunnam and Kasha Kropinski, but I guess no one from TVline watches Hell on Wheels. Too bad, she far outclassed either of the two runner-ups.
I’m so glad you gave the POTW to Charlie Hunnam. I have never seen any performance quite like what he delivered during the course of that episode. From his stoic determination to find out the truth behind Abel’s revelation, to his absolutely willing Juice to tell him the truth, to his horror when he finds out, and finally to his breakdown in the final scene with Nero when he realizes that despite everything, he still loves his evil mom. He delivered an epic tour de force! I would’ve also included Jimmy Smits in your HM’s. The scene where we watch his face as he hears the truth over the phone and then can’t even get the words out to Gemma was also amazing. I hope this episode is submitted for Emmy consideration for both actors.
Performer of the week is definitely Charlie Hunnam. I felt every emotion he was conveying. Great, phenomenal acting.
Definitely agree with the choice. I have been very critical of this season of SOA and have not completely been a fan of the direction Jax’s character has been taken in, however, Charlie Hunnam did an excellent job this episode. Felt so many emotions while watching the episode. He did an excellent job.
Also, I think Jimmy Smits should’ve been an honourable mention. That entire scene with Gemma and his breakdown afterwards was so heartbreaking.
thx to all , that you all use my pic. We were the first on twitter SonsFansGermany. at least 4Noises Look for yourself on Twitter (SonsFansGermany) to controll that . Every week we are trying to post to you the pics first.We cut from the episode directly before US start beginns , pics which we mean are important. You have no own ideas ?Awesome Next time we make logos on the pics
I always felt like I was part of samcro even though it is a TV show in this last season when watching each episodes wow the anxiety I have watching it is likea actually being there and being apart of it, the emotions and I’m truley gonna miss this show it is part of my life its like samcro is part of my family, Thank all of yous for this wonderful show love every single one of you guys like family. Love Rose
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