চিবি Compare চিবি To জীবন্ত

kuromiko posted on Apr 10, 2008 at 09:48AM
umm..chibis are small and animes are original.i don't know just explain.

চিবি 4 উত্তর

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বছরখানেক আগে iluvdeidara418 said…
your right 'bout chibis being small and animes are original and stuff.. but i think chibis are much cuter and easier to draw rather than the original ones.. its very hard to explain..but i'll try to explain it to you..
see the guys in this pic? they came from the anime Death Note {but i guess you knew 'bout it anyways}. This came from a chapter in the manga ( i think ) anyway, this is how they look in the anime and in the manga...
 your right 'bout chibis being small and animes are original and stuff.. but i think chibis are much c
বছরখানেক আগে iluvdeidara418 said…
and this is how they look when they're chibis.. see what i mean?
they look much cuter and funnier rather than in the anime where they look so serious..and i have to admit, they seem easier to draw...
Well, i hope that helps.. if it doesn't well, you just wasted my time... >__>"
 and this is how they look when they're chibis.. see what i mean? they look much cuter and funnier ra
বছরখানেক আগে ikutosprinces said…
yeah chibi's are the best go chibi
 yeah chibi's are the best go চিবি
বছরখানেক আগে bullskull said…
even the villain look so cute in chibi's look