Colin Farrell Why do আপনি girls like him?? Im a gal and 12 and he looks like an ape he's do damn ugly😖😖😝😝😲😲

Pick one:
Yes he&# 39; s ugly
Yes he's ugly
Yes I wanna মুষ্ট্যাঘাত him👿
Yes I wanna মুষ্ট্যাঘাত him👿
You&# 39; re crazy dumb!!!!! He&# 39; s super hot!
You're crazy dumb!!!!! He's super hot!
Added by beegrl
What are আপনি doing here, then?
What are আপনি doing here, then?
Added by quitepathetic
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 anubisgals123 posted বছরখানেক আগে
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