Criminal Minds Cast প্রশ্ন
who is your পছন্দ character on criminal minds?
ashleigh91 posted বছরখানেক আগে
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Criminal Minds Cast উত্তর
hottiecoolcat said:
REID becuase... well I have several resons why 1.hes HOT 2.hes prefect 3.hes a genius 4.hes an animal lover like me 5.hes SUPER HOT 6.he can related to some of the vics experinces because hes probaly been through it
LTboy said:
Emily is my fave - she is cute, smart, and funny. All the others are good too, they collectively make the team what it is and the success of the প্রদর্শনী what it is - that is why I am so upset about AJ being let go and Paget's role being lessened.
Ayaka said:
Spencer Reid! He makes my brain melt away from his awesomeness and smartness
lovelifegal said:
Between Spencer and JJ its to close to choose one
ecpjll said:
reid and gideon (and their relationship was so touching) and my fave woman is emily.
twistytree16 said:
EMILY ! straightt outt shee perfectt ndd she's alwayss theree গাধা aa shoulderr too cryy onn evenn thoughh shee hass herr ownn problems ! i প্রণয় আপনি PRENTISS !
carsfan said:
Reid Dereck Garcia Hotch XD
2cre8 said:
My very পছন্দ is Reid. I like them all though.
_addict2emilyP_ said:
Prentiss always. She's great, awesome, funny, hot, gorgeous and lots of beautiful words to describe. :D
zilla22 said:
sorry none of these guys compare to agent Morgan!!! he is hands down the hottest! woo i get flustered just thinking about him!!!! * blushes*
Fabzy97 said:
I Can't Decide!:S I Like All Of Them!!!:D
mrsbearbear said:
মরগান plain morgan. আপনি cant compare him to anybody else.
MsReid said:
Reid because: ~He's hot ~He's literally a genius ~He's so adorable ~He contributes a lot to the team ~He's hot ~His personality is awesome ~He "Has an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and can read 20,000 words per minute." ~I like the way his character is portrayed in the show. ~Did I mention that he's hot? ~And he's a blinker(lol)
PiCKy-NikkI said:
Spencer Reid,cause he's so cute,so smart,and so nice and freindly!!He should be the main,MAIN character in criminal Minds!!