Dark Crystal Club
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added by PraetorianGuard
added by PraetorianGuard
added by fanfly
Source: bookmice.net/darkchilde/dark/dark.html
added by PraetorianGuard
added by PraetorianGuard
added by PraetorianGuard
added by fanfly
Source: lavender.fortunecity.com
added by demon_wolf
Source: গুগুল
These pretty 3 tales of Kira read here reminded me:
Actually I did quite similar in April 1983, directly after
I had seen the film once and again.
Of course my story I wrote is in German ;
So I give a translation here.
Today I could say I wanted to make it sound a little
bit like an old poem about King Arthur অথবা so.
I hope the translation carries some of the feelings of my
original story , and I hope there are some who feel similar
and will like it.

[imag 1 center, medium]

The tale of the Dark Crystal

—Hymn of Jen´ s and Kira´ s journey —

Jen the Gelfling
brought up দ্বারা the UrRu,
entirely peaceful...
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DeadDollVideos: "When I started making these trailers a few years back, one of the first ones I did was for the Dark Crystal. I've always thought that it was probably my 'best' trailer. I decided it was time to give it the HD Recut treatment."
the dark crystal
jim henson
frank oz
added by demon_wolf
Source: গুগুল
added by fanfly
Source: bookmice.net/darkchilde/dark/dark.html
I've written three out of five poems so far about Kira's life. It took me about three hours each to write these. Now technically they're too long to be poems and are আরো like mini-epic short stories but I've written them in verse form so there poems, deal with it!

Also I started লেখা this before the news about the sequel came out so it's written as if the sequel doesn't exist.

Enjoy and if আপনি like it, leave feedback! (If you're not big with the words, just a simple "I প্রণয় it, please write more" would do just fine)

Disclaimer: The Dark Crystal is owned দ্বারা Jim Henson and Kindala is John A...
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added by PraetorianGuard
Juliet Cruz -- Ocarina
the dark crystal
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by fanfly
Source: lavender.fortunecity.com
added by demon_wolf
Source: গুগুল
added by PraetorianGuard