এমো গার্ল Why?

_Charlie_ posted on Jun 30, 2009 at 11:49AM
I had you
I had you for all my life
But I was too afraid to give you my heart
Now you are going away
And I’m lost…

What to do when everything you had is lost forever? What to do when you have nothing else to fight for? What to do with the guilty that is inside of you? What to do about your existance, when you can't look at the mirror anymore? What to do, when you look in the mirror and you see the stupid person you became?
And in the end i'm still asking why
 I had আপনি I had আপনি for all my life But I was too afraid to give আপনি my হৃদয় Now আপনি are going aw

এমো গার্ল 4 উত্তর

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বছরখানেক আগে padme768 said…
umm...plz tell me you didnt write this...or that you dont believe in what it says...

বছরখানেক আগে _Charlie_ said…
বছরখানেক আগে twilight0girl said…
cool.btw i love her make-up:)
বছরখানেক আগে _Charlie_ said…