Serena: This is my—
Eric: Stylist. And personal shopper, Eric.
Eric: So he waved? I wouldn't have taken him for a waver.
Serena: Maybe he was just trying to be funny.
Eric: Maybe he's shy.
Serena: অথবা he hated me.
Eric: No guy in the history of the world has ever hated you.
Blair: Eric, I didn't—
Eric: See that coming? Yeah. Well it must be a shock for someone who thinks she knows everything.
Jenny: Your SOS was heard and answered. C'mon, we're breaking আপনি out.
Eric: How are you— wait. What do আপনি mean, "we"?
Eric: Even if আপনি did cook, we don't have an oven.
Lily: There's nothing wrong with having...
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