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added by XxLostAngelxX
my পছন্দ OVA XD *squeal*
fullmetal alchemist
edward elric
roy আমেরিকার বন্য ঘোড়াবিশেষ
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by Dearheart
Source: Arakawa, the genius cow goddess herself!
added by Dearheart
Source: Arakawa, the genius cow goddess herself!
added by Dearheart
Source: Arakawa, the genius cow goddess herself!
added by Dearheart
Source: Arakawa, the genius cow goddess herself!
added by Dearheart
Source: Arakawa, the genius cow goddess herself!
added by nikki5516
added by marica-ukita
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
posted by ElricLuv
Sucker মুষ্ট্যাঘাত 1 

Chapter 1: Sinners Like Me

  আপনি see; Edward Elric was the half steel spawn of a genius alchemist and an innocent woman. As clever and genius as he likes to tell his 15 বছর old self, Edward had always been into trouble his whole life. So when he attempted to bring his mother back to life and he হারিয়ে গেছে his limbs; and his brother his body, Edward was shipped off to a town called Ravelstok. Ravelstok was a town where invalids were put, where the world wouldn't have to deal with them. It was a bit less modernized than the other cities surrounding it, but it had a small port inland....
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added by Dearheart
Source: Arakawa, the genius cow goddess herself! <3
added by SasuSaku_13
added by SasuSaku_13
added by zanhar1