স্বতস্ফূর্ত অনুরাগী Introduce Yourself & Meet Other স্বতস্ফূর্ত Fans!

LoveLiesAndLust posted on Dec 12, 2009 at 01:49AM
*Just fill out the form in a reply to this forum.

City, State, and/or Country:
Fave Glee Character(s):
Fave Glee Episode(s):
Fave Glee Performance(s):
Fave Glee Song(s):
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s):
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like:
1-5 Movie(s) You Like:
1-5 Couple(s) You Like:

স্বতস্ফূর্ত অনুরাগী 25 উত্তর

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বছরখানেক আগে LoveLiesAndLust said…
Name: Carrie
Age: 16
Birthday: June 12
City, State, and/or Country: New York City, New York, USA
Fave Glee Character(s): Emma, Quinn, Puck; pretty much all the characters
Fave Glee Episode(s): Sectionals, Vitamin D - all, really, hehe
Fave Glee Performance(s): My Life Would Suck Without You, Halo/Walking on Sunshine
Fave Glee Song(s): Keep Holding On; pretty much all
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Will/Emma, Puck/Quinn, Rachel/Finn
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: Gossip Girl, 90210, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, One Tree Hill
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, New Moon, Avatar
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Chuck/Blair (Gossip Girl), Liam/Ivy (90210), Matt/Caroline (The Vampire Diaries), Clay/Quinn (One Tree Hill), Stefan/Elena (The Vampire Diaries)
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বছরখানেক আগে xoheartinohioxo said…
Name: Holly
Age: 20
Birthday: October 6th
City, State, and/or Country: Maryland {United States}
Fave Glee Character(s): Female- Quinn, Rachel & Brittany // Male- Puck & Finn.
Fave Glee Episode(s): Uhhh all?! I think Mash-up was my fave so far because of RP ♥
Fave Glee Performance(s): You just keep me hanging on, Don't stop believing, Lean on me etc.
Fave Glee Song(s): You're Having My Baby, You Just Keep Me Hanging On, Don't Stop Believing, I'll Stand By You etc. I love so many of them!
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Puck/Rachel, Finn/Quinn & for the ranom - Brittany/Santana.
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: Lost, Greek, Gossip Girl, Supernatural, Smallville
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: Waaay too many to name but The Notebook is my favorite!
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Brucas [OTH} // Skate {Lost} // Caspie {Greek} // SereNate {Gossip Girl} // Chlark {Smallville}
বছরখানেক আগে GlassyBlooEyes said…
big smile
Name: Sarah
Age: 16
Birthday: July 1st
City, State, and/or Country: America :D
Fave Glee Character(s): Emma & Will...& Artie :DD
Fave Glee Episode(s): *Thinks really hard* Idk!
Fave Glee Performance(s): I'm Dancing with Myself & Bust A Move
Fave Glee Song(s): Sweet Caroline
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Haha, same as LoveliesAndLust xD
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: House md, Supernatural & NCIS
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: *Shrugs*
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Huddy (House/Cuddy) & Tiva (Tony/Ziva)
বছরখানেক আগে monLOVEbrucas said…
Name: Monia (call me mon)
Age: 17
Birthday: 23 april 92
City, State, and/or Country: sydney - aussie
Fave Glee Character(s): Finn, Quinn, Puck
Fave Glee Episode(s): all of them? but 1x13 so far!!
Fave Glee Performance(s): my life would suck, keep holding on, lean on me, sweet caraoline, sex you up, AND TRUE FKING COLOURS
Fave Glee Song(s): ^^^^^^^
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): quinn/puck, will/emma, rachel/finn
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: GG & SKINS & OTH (1-3)
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: the notebook, and alot others
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: BRUCAS, chair, sethummer, ryan/marrissa, derena
বছরখানেক আগে spikes_girl said…
Name: Catherine (known as Cat)
Age: I'm actually a vampire, so a couple hundred years... however many years Spike is :P
Birthday: September 14th
City, State and/or Country: Wisconsin (USA)
Fave Glee Character(s): Female-- Rachel, Sue, & Emma * Male-- Puck, Kurt, & Will
Fave Glee Episode(s): Sectionals, just 'cuz I'm high on that now. Also Wheels, Preggers, & Mash-Up.
Fave Glee Performance(s): Proud Mary, Don't Stop Believin', Jump, Sweet Caroline, Keep Holding On, Somebody To Love, My Life Would Suck Without You
Fave Glee Song(s): Don't Stand So Close To Me / Young Girl, Lean On Me, True Colors, Endless Love, Don't Stop Believin', Sweet Caroline, Defying Gravity, Smile (Lily Allen), Don't Rain On My Parade... yeah, a lot xD
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Rachel&Puck, Will&Emma, Finn&Kurt (slash included, of course), Artie&Brittany, Artie&Tina, Finn&Quinn
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (only show that beats Glee. But just barely), Gilmore Girls, Supernatural, Angel, Bones
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: LORD. OF. THE FREAKIN' RINGS. =D Also Brokeback Mountain, Star Trek '09, Devil Wears Prada, Harry Potter movies, etc
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Buffy&Spike (BtVS), Luke&Lorelai (Gilmore Girls), Logan&Veronica (VMars), Sydney&Vaughn (Alias), and Pacey&Joey (Dawson's Creek).

EDIT: Looks like I can't count. I have 6 movies :\
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বছরখানেক আগে dolphinsrock8D said…
Name: Christina
Age: 16
Birthday: September 29
City, State, and/or Country: California, USA
Fave Glee Character(s): Emma, Artie, Will
Fave Glee Episode(s): Sectionals
Fave Glee Performance(s): Don't Stop Believin', My Life Would Suck Without You, True Colors, Somebody To Love, Keep Holding On, Defying Gravity
Fave Glee Song(s): Keep Holding On, Somebody To Love, My Life Would Suck Without You, Defying Gravity
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Will & Emma, Puck & Quinn, Finn & Rachel
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: The Office, House, Heroes, Gilmore Girls, 30 Rock
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: too many...
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Jim & Pam (The Office), Luke & Lorelai (Gilmore Girls), House & Cuddy (House)
বছরখানেক আগে mswaldass said…
Name: Sabina
Age: 17
Birthday: December 31
City, State, and/or Country: Sweden
Fave Glee Character(s): Emma & Kurt {but I love them all!}
Fave Glee Episode(s): Wheels, Sectionals & Preggers
Fave Glee Performance(s): Sweet Caroline, True Colors
Fave Glee Song(s): Crush, Sweet Caroline, Keep Holding On, Smile {Charlie Chaplin Cover}
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Puck/Quinn, Will/Emma, Finn/Rachel
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: Friends, Grey's Anatomy, TBBT, True Blood
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: Avatar, The Notebook, Changeling
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Chuck/Blair, Jackie/Hyde, Seth/Summer, Alex/Izzie
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বছরখানেক আগে HugeEgoSorry said…
Name: Xyza Therese L. Vibar
Age: 19 years old
Birthday: October 15, 1990
City, State, and/or Country: Philippines
Fave Glee Character(s): All of them! :)
Fave Glee Episode(s): Episode 8 and Episode 13
Fave Glee Performance(s): All...
Fave Glee Song(s): Many to mention.. :)
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Puck and Rachel/ Puck and Quinn
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: House, Better Off Ted, Time Warp...
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: Pay it Forward, 2012, Ugly Truth
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: House and Cuddy
বছরখানেক আগে iLoveChair said…
Name: Natasha (people call me Nat on here)
Age: 20
Birthday: October 6th 1989
City, State, and/or Country: Skopje, Macedonia
Fave Glee Character(s): Noah 'Puck' Puckerman, Kurt and Finn
Fave Glee Episode(s): Showmance, Preggers, Vitamin D, Mash Up, Wheels, Hairography, Sectionals... ALL! :P
Fave Glee Performance(s): Bust a Move, Sweet Caroline, Keep Holding On, Imagine, True Colors, My Life Would Suck Without You, Say a Little Prayer
Fave Glee Song(s): Crush, Sweet Caroline, Don't Stop Believing, Keep Me Hanging On, Take a Bow
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Puck/Quinn, Rachel/Finn, Will/Emma
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: Gossip Girl, 90210, Skins, Sex and the City, Lost
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, 10 Things I Hate About You, Brokeback Mountain, Mean Girls
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Chuck/Blair [Gossip Girl], Silver/Teddy [90210], Jack/Kate [Lost], Noah/Allie [The Notebook], Jack/Ennis [Brokeback Mountain]
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বছরখানেক আগে spikes_girl said…
*gasps* Nat, you're a Brokeback Mountain fan?? You're even more awesome then before!
বছরখানেক আগে dermer4ever said…
Name: Terra ( people call me T)
Age: 25
Birthday: April 4th
City, State, and/or Country: Sacramento, CA (United States)
Fave Glee Character(s): Female- Rachel, Emma and Sue, Male- Finn, Puck and Will
Fave Glee Episode(s): Shomance, Mash Up, Vitamin D, ballads, Hairophry and Sectionals
Fave Glee Performance(s): Don't Rain on my Parade
Fave Glee Song(s): Don't stop Believing, Somebody to love, Lean on me, True Colors, Imagine
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Rachel and Finn, Will and Emma and Quinn and Puck
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like:
1-5 Movie(s) You Like:Titanic, AWTR, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and The Goonies
1-5 Couple(s) You Like:Brucas (oth), Dermer (Grey's Anatomy), Piper and Leo (Charmed), Luke and Lorelei (Gilmore Girls), and Ross and Rachel (Friends)

বছরখানেক আগে brattynemz said…
Name: Nem
Age: 21
Birthday: Jan17
City, State, and/or Country: Philippines
Fave Glee Character(s): Quinn
Fave Glee Episode(s): Preggers, Wheels, Hairography Sectionals. I like the latter half better than the first half.
Fave Glee Performance(s): Ride Wit Me, True Colors
Fave Glee Song(s): True Colors, Defying Gravity, And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going, Hate On Me
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Quinn/Puck. But I also like Will/Emma.
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: OTH, GG, House, Skins
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days, Ten Things I Hate About You, She's All That, 50 First Dates, Clueless. Really old school. :D
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Brooke/Lucas {OTH}, Serena/Nate {GG}, Sid/Cassie {Skins}, Seth/Summer {The OC}
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বছরখানেক আগে OCFan123 said…
Name: Sarah
Age: Same as Cat
Birthday: October 20
City, State, and/or Country: New York(Yep, the Big Apple XD)
Fave Glee Character(s): Kurt, Finn, Emma
Fave Glee Episode(s): Pilot, Preggers, Mash-Up, Sectionals
Fave Glee Peformance(s): Somebody to Love, Keep Holding On, It's My Life/Confessions
Fave Glee Song(s): Don't Stop Beliveing, It's my Life/Confessions,
Fave Glee Couple(s): Will/Emma, Puck/Rachel, Finn/Rachel, Kurt/Finn, Artie/Brittney, Finn/Quinn, and MAYYYYYYYYBEEE Puck/Quinn.
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other show(s): The OC, Gilmore Girls, Friends, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and One Tree Hill
1-5 Movie(s): Titanic, ALLLLL Classic Disney, A Walk to Remeber, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and The Notebook
1-5 Couple(s): Seth&/Summer(The OC), Brooke/Lucas(One Tree Hill), Rory/Jess(Gilmore Girls), Ross/Rachel(Friends), Serena/Nate(Gossip Girl)

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বছরখানেক আগে ajhalecullen said…
big smile
Name: Adriana (everyone calls me Adri)
Age: 19 years old
Birthday: February 7, 1990
City, State, and/or Country: Mexico city, Mexico
Fave Glee Character(s): Puck, Quinn, Finn, Kurt
Fave Glee Episode(s): Vitamin D, Sectionals and Mash-Up
Fave Glee Performance(s): It's my life/Confessions, Keep Holding on and Sweet Caroline
Fave Glee Song(s): Sweet Caroline, Keep Holding on, Don't stop believing, It's my life/Confessions
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Rachel/Finn, Quinn/Puck and Emma/Will
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: How I Met Your Mother, Greek, Top Gear, Gossip Girl and The Vampire Diaries
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: A Walk to Remember, The Holiday, The Notebook, Harry Potter movies and Twilight movies
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: ALICE and JASPER (Twilight series) Naley, Joey and Pacey (Dawson's Creek) and Casey and Cappie (Greek)
বছরখানেক আগে LoveLiesAndLust said…
Sarah, you live in New York too? Awesomeness! :D
বছরখানেক আগে courtney7488 said…
Name: Courtney
Age: 21
Birthday: July
City, State, and/or Country: USA
Fave Glee Character(s): Will, Sue, Emma
Fave Glee Episode(s): Sectionals, Mash-Up, Mattress, Throwdown, The Rhodes Not Taken
Fave Glee Performance(s): Don't Rain on My Parade, You Can't Always Get What You Want, Imagine
Fave Glee Song(s): Don't Rain on My Parade, Don't Stand So Close to Me/Young Girl, Maybe This Time, I Could Have Danced All Night
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Will and Emma
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: Lost, FlashForward, Fringe, Bones
1-5 Movie(s) You Like:
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Desmond and Penny (Lost), Sawyer and Juliet (Lost), Mark and Olivia (FlashForward)
বছরখানেক আগে spikes_girl said…
*gasps* Shandi isn't 109 years old after all!
বছরখানেক আগে swimchick said…
I wrote out an entire answer a few days ago then firefox crashed. Now I have the energy to do it again.

Name: Emma (no, not Pillsbury)
Age: 23
Birthday: March 3rd
City, State, and/or Country: USA, but I live in France at the moment and am moving to Australia this summer.
Fave Glee Character(s): Artie, Quinn and Brittany
Fave Glee Episode(s): Preggers, Vitamin D, Sectionals
Fave Glee Performance(s): It's My Love/Confessions, Halo/Walking on Sunshine, Somebody to Love
Fave Glee Song(s): Boys Mash-Up, I wanna sex you up, Somebody to Love, Alone
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Puck/Rachel, Artie/Brittany
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: Gilmore Girls, Arrested Development, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family and Project Runway
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: Too many to name but a few are American Beauty, Fight Club, Howl's Moving Castle and Forgetting Sarah Marshall
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Gilmore couples (Luke/Lorelai, Rory/Jess), Logan/Veronica, Joey/Pacey, Nathan/Haley
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বছরখানেক আগে LoveLiesAndLust said…
*gasps* Shandi isn't 109 years old after all!
বছরখানেক আগে nevermind606 said…
big smile
Name: Jesus
Age: ?
Birthday: Christmas
City, State, and/or Country: Heaven
Fave Glee Character(s): Emma, Will, Puck, Rachel.
Fave Glee Episode(s): Mash Up, Sectionals
Fave Glee Performance(s): Don't Rain on my Parade... GAH! Her voice is beautiful.
Fave Glee Song(s): Same.
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Emma/Will, Puck/Rachel, Finn/Rachel
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gilmore Girls.
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: 10 Things I Hate About You, Titanic, Across the Universe, Grease, The Lion King
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Chuck & Blair, Nathan & Haley, Rory & Jess, Brooke & Julian, Kristin & Dean.
বছরখানেক আগে LoveLiesAndLust said…
^ LMAOOOOOO, KRISTIN! Jesus, Christmas, Heaven? You must really be in the CHristmas spirit. ;) xD
বছরখানেক আগে Gleek_hottie said…

Name: Anevuela (call me Annie)
Age: 16
Birthday: October 17
City, State, and/or Country: Nashville, Tennesse, USA
Fave Glee Character(s): Puck, Finn, Quinn, Emma, Brittany
Fave Glee Episode(s): Wheels, hairography, sectionals, pretty much all!!!
Fave Glee Performance(s): true colors, imagine, sweet Caroline, you can't always get what you want, keep holding on, it's my life/confessions, lean on me, I'll stand by you, don't stand so close to me/young girl,
Fave Glee Song(s): Same as above plus bust a move, I could've danced all night, Say a little prayer, Papa don't preach, and Rehab
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Quinn/Puck!!!!!! Brittany/Artie, Finn/Rachel, Will/Emma, Tina/Artie
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: Gossip Girl, Army Wives, 10 Things I hate about you, Lie To Me, House
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: Mean Girls, John Tucker Must Die, Lord of the rings movies, and......... Jennifer's Body
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Blair/Chuck, Serena/Nate, Trevor/Roxy, House/Cuddy
বছরখানেক আগে all_the_glitter said…
Name: Laura
Age: 17
Birthday: 10/19
City, State, and/or Country: USA
Fave Glee Character(s): Rachel, Jesse, Mike
Fave Glee Episode(s): Bad Rep
Fave Glee Performance(s): Bohemian Rhapsody and Total Eclipse of the Heart
Fave Glee Song(s): Bohemian Rhapsody and Hello
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): St. Berry
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: Lost, Skins, Misfits
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: Breakfast Club, The Closer, Titanic
1-5 Couple(s) You Like: Sawyer/Kate, Brooke/Lucas, Naomi/Emily
বছরখানেক আগে sugarsweetcandy said…
Name: Kennedy
Age: 14
Birthday: June 27th
City, State, and/or Country: north america
Fave Glee Character(s): Mike and Tina and Mercedes and Lauren
Fave Glee Episode(s): "Sylvester Shuffle"
Fave Glee Performance(s):Dont stop Belivin
Fave Glee Song(s): Dont stop Belivin and I know what boys like
Fave Glee Couple(s)/Ship(s): Mike and Tina
Besides Glee...
1-5 Other Show(s) You Like: to much to name but Glee is no.1
1-5 Movie(s) You Like: Titanic,The Breakast Club
1-5 Couple(s) You Like : idk
বছরখানেক আগে maddyalice said…
Hi I'm Maddy and Santana has to be my favourite character, I love her performance of Mine, in the break up episode of season 4 :)))
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