Godric Club
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This campaign is supported দ্বারা Allan Hyde. (Please refer to his Twitter account.)

How MUCH Do আপনি Care?
If আপনি had the chance to tell HBO how much আপনি প্রণয় Godric and Allan, would আপনি do it? Would আপনি be willing to take only a couple মিনিট of your time and প্রদর্শনী your support for an actor who breathed life into our beloved vampire?

This is your chance to shine and have your voice heard দ্বারা HBO. We take the fight for Godric onto their forum, their doorstep, and for the first time they will have to contend with the অনুরাগী united. It will be one overwhelming voice that they won’t be able to ignore....
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posted by Alexi95
So দ্বারা request samjheart aka. the lovely Asma, I present this spot with it's first প্রবন্ধ in form of a অনুরাগী fiction about our favourite two thousand বছর old vampire and his first vampire child Camorra XD

It was the sound of her voice, গান গাওয়া a melody of beauty, that first caught his attention. Godric had been running through the dense woods in Ireland but her voice made him stop and he changed direction and sped towards a clearing, where through the trees he glimpsed a group of humans sitting around the flickering flames of a fire, all men with the exception of a woman who was standing and...
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