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অ্যাডম অ্যালবার্ট
sure আগুন winners
for your entertainment
added by HaleyDewit
Dean entered the café Cas had left an ঘন্টা ago. Cas had called him দ্বারা using speed dial, but then his phone dropped and all he could hear was a struggle and someone saying ‘I know you’
Dean had looked almost everywhere. He had been asking for him in eat café’s, restaurants, coffee shops, while he tried getting him on the phone.
He walked to the bar and tapped on it.
“Good evening, I’m looking for someone. A man, tall, dark hair, wears a trench coat” Dean described Cas.
The barkeeper, who knew who Dean was talking about, peeked at the three men who had returned. Then he turned back...
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De Amerikaanse zangeres Christina Aguilera laat zich niet অগ্রদূত slag brengen door opmerkingen over haar figuur. Dat zegt ze in het februarinummer অগ্রদূত het Amerikaanse blad Marie Claire.

"Ik heb in dit vak alles al meegemaakt. Eerst was ik te dik. Dan was ik te dun. In beide gevallen word je bekritiseerd. Ik vergeet dat. Ik houd অগ্রদূত mijn lichaam. Mijn zoon is gezond en gelukkig. Dat is het enige dat echt belangrijk is", zegt Aguilera. Zoon Max, uit haar vorig huwelijk met de Jordan Bratman, is ondertussen 4 jaar oud. Sinds de opnames অগ্রদূত de film Burlesque heeft Aguilera een relatie met Matt Rutler, een productieassistent die ze leerde kennen op de set. (Belga / JDH)
Once upon a time on an ordinary day
I met this guy who came across my way
He was the only one I could rely on
How could I know I was living in some kind of fairytale

I thought he was mine forever
I thought we ought to be together
Guess I should have seen this one coming

‘Cause I’ve been crying
And I’ve been dying
When I think about the প্রণয় we made
While I’m trying to hide the tears on my face
I wish I could turn back time
I wish I could make আপনি mine
Once again we would be প্রেমী forever
We were meant to be together

Now I’m spending my days in the hell আপনি create
No matter what আপনি do, all আপনি ever...
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Cas climbed out of বিছানা and stormed out of the door, colliding to Dean.
“Sorry” he mumbled agitated and he tried to pass, but Dean grabbed his arms.
“What the hell are আপনি doing out of bed?” he asked reproaching.
“Kevin” Cas explained breathless. “He’s going to kill Meg, unless I stop him”
“I thought আপনি hated her” Sam frowned confused.
Cas shook his head. “No. I don’t know why I ব্যক্ত that. I didn’t mean it” He tried to free himself, but Dean seemed to be much stronger. “Why won’t আপনি let me go?”
“Kevin works for Crowley, which means there’s a big chance...
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added by HaleyDewit
De Amerikaanse rapper এমিনেম en popzangeres Taylor সত্বর zijn enkele অগ্রদূত de winnaars অগ্রদূত de allereerste "YouTube সঙ্গীত Awards". এমিনেম kreeg op het gala in New York vandaag de prijs অগ্রদূত Artiest অগ্রদূত het jaar. সত্বর werd voor haar hit "I Knew আপনি Were Trouble" bekroond tot YouTube-fenomeen অগ্রদূত het jaar. De award voor Video অগ্রদূত het jaar ging naar de Zuid-Koreaanse meidengroep Girls' Generation en hun song "I Got A Boy". Deze outsiders laten daarmee zwaargewichten als Lady Gaga of Justin Bieber achter zich. De eerste winnaars অগ্রদূত het online-videoplatform werden gekozen via een stemming op het internet. De prijsuitreiking was rechtstreeks te volgen op YouTube. Het platform is de voorbije jaren onmisbaar geworden voor de muzieksector, ten koste অগ্রদূত klassieke spelers als MTV. Uit een rondvraag afgelopen jaar bleek dat 64 procent অগ্রদূত de Amerikaanse jeugd muziek beluistert via YouTube. Dat is meer dan de radio (56 procent). (Belga / Belga)
“I know there’s a connection!” Liz exclaimed. “I know how to do my job. I don’t need some vampire to tell me that”
Caroline looked away, avoiding her mother’s stare.
“Caroline, I’m sorry” Liz ব্যক্ত soft. “I didn’t mean…”
“Yes, আপনি did!” Caroline ব্যক্ত firm. She turned her back on her mother. “You know, I just wanted to help you. I just wanted some distraction”
“I know, honey” Liz said. She lay her hand on Caroline’s shoulder, but she pushed it away.
“I guess I should go back to Elena” she ব্যক্ত bitter. “At least she appreciates my help” And that being...
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Caroline looked around in Bonnie’s room. “It’s all so…white” she ব্যক্ত turning to Bonnie, who was sitting on the bed. “I can’t believe আপনি signed up for this. And without telling me”
“I’m telling আপনি now” Bonnie said, while she opened her suitcase. “Thanks for bringing my stuff. I wouldn’t know who else to bother” she added softly.
“It’s no bother” Caroline said, though she avoided to look at her. She walked to the window. “Wow! আপনি have to see this view, it’s amazing” she said, looking at the garden.
“Yeah, I’ve seen it” Bonnie ব্যক্ত a little absent-minded....
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Daphne and Dean were standing in the woods.
“There. That’s where it happened” Daphne pointed at the lake. “I’m sorry, I’m not going any closer”
“I think we should” Dean ব্যক্ত insensitive. He grabbed Daphne’s arm again and pulled her to the lake. “Now, tell me what happened”
“He drowned, that’s what happened!” Daphne yelled. “I was supposed to look after him, but I failed”
“That’s the story Zoey told you” Dean said. “Is there someone else who could tell আপনি what happened?”
“No, of course not” Daphne ব্যক্ত irritated. “Unless আপনি count Martin, but he’s-”...
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It was visiting ঘন্টা in prison and a guard told Cas someone wanted to see him. Cas expected to see Dean অথবা Sam, but when he entered the visitors room it was Zoey who waved at him discreetly.
The guard brought him to the টেবিল and then withdrew himself. Cas sat down.
“Hi, Emmanuel” Zoey ব্যক্ত full of compassion. “I’m sorry. Castiel, right? Daphne told me আপনি found out who আপনি are. How do আপনি like your new old life?”
Cas looked around him, then back at Zoey and let his shoulders hang.
“I’m sorry. That was a stupid question” Zoey said.
“What are আপনি doing here?” Cas wondered. “Why...
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Twilight took over the day. Bonnie was in Caroline’s room. She was lucky her friend had been so kind to offer her a place to stay now that her house was ruined. Bonnie had tried to call Elena, but the line had been busy all day. She just wanted a chance to say she was sorry, but she realized at this point it was too much to ask.
So when her phone rang and she saw it was Elena calling she hastily picked up. “Elena?”

“Bonnie, are আপনি alone?”
“Yes” Bonnie said. “Elena, I’m so glad আপনি called. I’ve tried to reach you, but আপনি were busy. Anyway, that doesn’t matter. I just...
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Kelsey watched how Stefan and Katherine took off from behind a tree. It had been this close before she got busted. She came from behind her বৃক্ষ and walked further into the woods in the direction of the hotel Klaus had kept his prisoners. At first sight the place seemed to be deserted. She entered the hotel and covered her mouth. The bodies were lying there for a little longer than a মাস now.
“You get used to it”
Kelsey startled. She recognized Klaus’ voice.
“Don’t be rude” Klaus said. “Turn around. I can’t compel you, so I’ll have to trust on your manners”
Kelsey slowly...
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Kelly Clarkson heeft haar aanstaande echtgenoot Brandon Blackstock gevraagd om een baby als cadeau voor de kerstdagen. Clarkson stapt eind deze maand in het huwelijksbootje met haar verloofde Blackstock. Als het huwelijk eenmaal achter de rug is, wil ze zo snel mogelijk de volgende stap zetten. "We gaan bijna trouwen, echt bijna. Ik heb hem al verteld dat ik na het trouwfeest een baby wil. Ik zei tegen hem: 'Dat is het kerstcadeau dat je mij kunt geven'", zegt de zangeres tegen Access Hollywood. Clarkson wil dolgraag kinderen. Ze heeft al een beetje kunnen oefenen met de kinderen অগ্রদূত Blackstock...
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“You do want Elena back, right?” Jeremy asked. He was sitting at the living টেবিল with Stefan. They were in the boarding house. Katherine was upstairs, refusing to be part of any of this.
“Jeremy, she is still my girlfriend” Stefan said. “I haven’t হারিয়ে গেছে her”
Jeremy nodded. “Yeah, I guess that’s why she’s with Damon now” he said.
Stefan closes his eyes, trying not to lose his temper. “She’s a free girl, Jeremy, she’s not my possession” he ব্যক্ত with a trembling voice that made it sound like he thought otherwise. “Damon is her friend and I promised I wouldn’t keep...
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“No, I do not want to talk to you. Not now, not ever, and the only reason I don’t rip your হৃদয় out this very instant is because of my girlfriend who’s celebrating her eighteenth birthday and who doesn’t need to witness such gruesome scene. So if আপনি could lift up your anorectic butt and সরানো it out of the door আপনি came in and vanish for the rest of your afterlife, I’d be forever grateful” Stefan said.
Amber ordered two beers and gave one to Stefan. “I just need আপনি to listen to me. I’m really sorry for what I did. I হারিয়ে গেছে control that night. I saw Elena sitting there all alone....
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Dean stared at his car, his mouth wide open, unable to speak.
“What?” he ব্যক্ত shocked. “Baby, what have they done to you?”
“Dean” Sam said, elbowing him and pointing at the entrance of the hospital. Meg came outside and walked towards.
“I saw আপনি two from the window” she explained.
“Why are আপনি wearing Cas’ clothes?” Sam asked.
“Long story” Meg replied.
“And what the hell did আপনি and Cas do with my car?” Dean demanded to know, though part of him wished she wouldn’t answer. Unfortunately she did.
“We fucked” Meg ব্যক্ত smug. The look on Dean’s face was priceless. “And Cas bled on the front seat. Speaking of Cas, he’s fine. Thanks for asking”
Dean had the courtesy to look ashamed.
“Eh, yeah, I just wanted to ask” he mumbled.
“Follow me” Meg said. “I’ll explain everything inside”
the new girl
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