how many times has jaden had sex?

 danielle657123 posted বছরখানেক আগে
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jaden and willow উত্তর

4422 said:
Jaden as never ever sex with no one.
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
i kno dats ryt
MzDiva012 posted বছরখানেক আগে
Emma-Leah said:
DATS JUS STUPID!! He's only 14! Why would he wanna hav sex wit some1?! Bt dats my opinion. Who eva asked dat প্রশ্ন is CRAZY!! Jaden may b famous, but that doesn't mean we have 2 dat as a advantage. His life could be jus as mest up as ours or, it could b a heaven on earth. So leave Jaden alone. U wouldn't lik it if some1 ব্যক্ত Dat about u. Well...mayb u would, mayb u wouldn't . Bt it's Jaden's life so I think u should leave him alone.
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
tinkaboo said:

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janautica said:
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kittykat72 said:
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q-tpie said:
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