Jane Lynch Club
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posted by bamiotto
নমস্কার guys, i dont know if আপনি heard about it, but Jane Lynch, Sue Sylvester from স্বতস্ফূর্ত is coming to Palmetto-Florida for a fundraiser for Palmetto Rowing Crew on May, 14. The event includes the chance of winning 25,000 dollars for the first prize and much more, it also includes the honor of MEETING her (NOT ONLY THE WINNER, everybody who buys a ticket will meet her) , all আপনি have to do is buy a ticket from one of the Crew members, for আরো information contact the email: palmettocrew@gmail.com ! LIMITED # OF TICKETS AVAIBLE!
posted by ফ্যানপপ
Have আপনি done something to make a change lately? There are a bunch of celebs who have taken time out of their busy schedules to stand up for what they believe in. The Do Something Awards are all about recognizing teens that have DONE something to change the world for the better. Everyone's পছন্দ স্বতস্ফূর্ত enemy/cheer coach, Jane Lynch, is hosting the awards প্রদর্শনী on July 19 on VH1.

There's some VERY tough competition happening. Natalie Portman, Jessica Biel, Leo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Salma Hayek are all up for awards. Both Matt and Leo are doing their part to bring attention to the clean water...
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