Jazmyn Bieber Club
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posted by cammie782
dear:justin and jazmyn bieber i প্রণয় both of আপনি guys আপনি both look alike আপনি guys look cute together justin i was looking on ইউটিউব seeing আপনি on the baby video it was good but alot of অনুরাগী are mad at আপনি because আপনি kissed jazmine v, and its all over youtube.AND WHEN I SAW IT I WAS SHOCKED I COULDNT BELIVE IT. আপনি TOLD THEM CUT THE CAMERAS OF BUT APPARENTLEY THEY FILMED THE চুম্বন AND PUT IT ON ইউটিউব AND আপনি GUYS DO NOT LOOK GOOD TOGETHER WHAT ARE আপনি GOING TO TELL YOUR FANS.JAZMYNE I THINK আপনি ARE A SWEET LITTLE GIRL আপনি ARE BEAUTIFUL LOOK JUST LIKE YOUR MOM I THINK YOUARE GOING TO GROW...
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নমস্কার guys whats up,
As Justin Bieber's mom does a lot for him and he wants to buy his mom a house and i think that sense Justin does so much for us we should help him get that money also enough money to keep Justin's 3 বন্ধু with him for one full year. we could do fundraisers like all the people in Michigan could get to together and do it all the people in Florida and each state could do that this could be a never ending fundraiser after every fundraiser we could send the money to his manager to give to Justin we as a club could made Justin the happiest kid on planet earth