Justice League Club
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added by rakshasa
Source: henrycavilledits@tumblr.com
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr aka me
added by sunwarior
Source: i dont own any of these
সুপারম্যান vs Steppenwolf Final Battle P.4 Clip 4k |Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
justice league
snyder cut
added by rakshasa
Source: henrycavilledits@tumblr.com
"As we begin on the episode, a man in an জলপাই green suit is seen running down an alleyway from Supergirl (still keeping her classic short sleeved শার্ট look), who is right above him and when she catches up to him, he attempts to forcibly open a door only for the handle on the outside to be jammed and is soon melted দ্বারা Supergirl's heat vision. With no other options left, the man decides to admit he never gave away any information to anyone. Supergirl having had been satisfied দ্বারা the man's answer, decides to spare him only to go back on her deal a সেকেন্ড later as he screams in fear. The whole...
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added by Juaniallermann2
added by apok
In theaters November 2017.
justice league
added by Juaniallermann2
added by supajake
posted by deedragongirl
 My favourite Poster.
My favourite Poster.
Hi guys, I happened to watch the Justice League film with my younger brother just now. I would like to write the review of this film.

The Story

So, the story takes place after the events of ব্যাটম্যান vs Superman. I was really sad that the latter did attack his বন্ধু shortly after being revived দ্বারা them! As a matter of fact, Henry Cavill looks really hot in his six packs!
The famous superheroes are going to stop Steppenwolf and I could not recognise Ciaran Hinds as the villain with all of the make-up. Also, the শিরস্ত্রাণ that he's wearing looks like Cate Blanchett's hair bit in Thor: Ragnarok. Wonder...
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added by funkyrach01
Source: DC Database
added by rakshasa
Source: henrycvilledits@tumblr.com

When I first learned that Warner Brothers Studios and D.C. Comics planned to release another সুপারম্যান movie, I did not greet the news with any enthusiasm. In fact, my first reaction was sheer frustration. The last D.C. Comics movie I wanted to see was another সুপারম্যান movie.

There were so many reasons for my negative reaction to the news of a new সুপারম্যান movie. The last one I saw was 2006's "SUPERMAN RETURNS", which had been directed দ্বারা Bryan Singer. There had also been two টেলিভিশন series about the Man of Steel in the past twenty (20) years...
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The Justice League loses and The Flash goes back in time
justice league
snyder cut
added by Juaniallermann2