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added by musikluver94
added by musikluver94
added by musikluver94
added by musikluver94
added by musikluver94
added by trudamsel
added by musikluver94
added by musikluver94
added by cassidy86
added by musikluver94
added by musikluver94
added by musikluver94
added by XxKeithHarkinxX
Source: Keith's Twitter
added by Gabys
Source: Keith's ফেসবুক
I found a Hobnobs recipe on-line, and after a few changes to the recipe (we don't do grams very well in the US..) I tried it out last night. They're a hit!! Hobnobs are fantastically delicious cookies! The recipe I found states that it's a pretty accurate 'copycat' version of the classic British biscuit. Here's the recipe:

240g self-raising flour (about 2 cups)
240g sugar (1 1/2 cups to 1 1/2 cups)
240g জাউ oats (about 3 cups) -- I used Quaker oatmeal
240g margarine (1 1/4 cup) -- I used মাখন - no margarine in my refrigerator!
1 Tbsp golden syrup (you can order it on-line... I used light...
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added by cassidy86
Source: Cassidy86
added by cassidy86
Source: Cassidy86