Yeah-yeah, oooh
Well, back in 1876 an old boy named Bell
Invented a contraption that we know so well
By the 1950's, they're in everybody's home
It's a crazy little thing they call the telephone
Now there's one on every corner
In the back of every bar
You can get one in your briefcase
On a plane, অথবা in your car
So tell me why (why)
Haven't I (haven't I)
Heard from আপনি (why haven't I heard from you?)
Oh yeah, ohh
Tell me why (why)
Haven't I (haven't I)
Heard from you? (why haven't I heard from you?)
I ব্যক্ত now darling, honey
What is your excuse?
Why haven't I heard from you?
Well, there's no...
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