Koga Club
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posted by Rin08
Ok so one দিন i was walking through the woods when I can across a large demon fighting a smaller one.
As I got closer the little demon was hit into a বৃক্ষ and injured. I ran across the feild and used my Hiraikotsu (fav weapon in InuYasha) to kill the large demon.
I ran over and tended the wounds of the smaller demon, but didnt leave. There waas something different about this one. So i waited for him to wake up. As he reagined conciousness, he looked from me to the dead demon and his treated wounds, back to me.
He asked,"Is this your doing?"
"So whats your name?"
"I'm Koga...
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Closing up the shop. [Name] smiled. She worked at a pet store. Of course getting প্রণয় from all those small জন্তু জানোয়ার made her feel loved and wanted. Her boyfriend Koga was hardly ever around anymore and besides that he was a total flirt!

The best part about [Name's] pet store was they didn't support কুকুরছানা mills অথবা kitty mills অথবা any sort of mill! The got adopted জন্তু জানোয়ার and sold them to good homes.

[Name] ব্যক্ত a cheerful "Goodnight~!" To all the কুকুরছানা and bunnies and বেড়ালছানা before locking the door and heading toward her car.

Once she got to the [color] car she unlocked the back door...
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age:16 in human years
occupations:wolf-demon tribe leader
love interests:kagome higurashi
katana(which he never uses) and goraishi(later in the manga)

Kouga is the young leader of the Wolf-Demon Tribe. He is strong, nut runs away from battles he knows he can't win. He posesses two shards of the Shikon No Tama (Shikon Jewel) in both of his legs, giving him the ability to run at super fast speeds (he used to posess another in his right arm, but it got torn out দ্বারা the King of the Birds of Paradise). Kouga fell in প্রণয় with the girl...
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