Kowalski Club
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added by kwlski4ever
added by kwlski4ever
One time Kowalski went to his labroom and he finds a banjo! Kowalski thought,"Is this for me?" Well it is his! Anyways,he grabs the banjo and now plays it. Kowalski is now feeling like a rockstar পেংগুইন of all smart penguins! Currently he plays the banjo with Skipper,Private,and Rico.Kowalski now has something that he could play an instrument.He sang a song to Marlene. But the one and only one is Dr.Blowhole hated Kowalski with his banjo.He decides to steal the banjo from Kowalski and to প্রদর্শনী that he is a শুশুক rocker.But at night,Kowalski and the other penguins went to go to sleep.As they're...
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added by KowalksiBigFan
added by thecrazygeinus
Source: গুগুল Images, GIMP, and thecrazygeinus
added by KowalksiBigFan
added by Sassl
added by kwlski4ever
added by Cowtails
This is hilarious!! But not mine.
দ্যা পেঙ্গুইন অব মাদাগাস্কার
added by Bluepenguin
Source: The শিরস্ত্রাণ
added by Kamille6702
added by Kamille6702
Source: Concrete Jungle Survival
added by Cowtails
added by KowalksiBigFan
added by iloveprivate
Source: The পেংগুইন Who Loved Me
Story Introduction: Operation: Mad Genius

Disclaimer: …Sigh…I do not own this awesome show. Do I wish I do? Hell, yeah!

For those who don’t know me, I am RavenFeathersOfDarkness [also known as PenguinCrazy14 on ], princess of the shadows, and crusader against all things girly, pink, and sparkly, and shamelessly obsessive অনুরাগী of the Penguins of Madagascar.

Speaking of the penguins, I have been online almost every দিন পাঠ করা fanfics and taking PoM personality quizzes. Of all the ক্যুইজ I’ve taken so far, about 85% of them told me I was most like Kowalski. (The other 15% ব্যক্ত I was like...
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added by penelope101997