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Kukai Soma Who Is Best For Kukai?

72 fans picked:
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(added by monamoka8)
 darkmintoutau posted বছরখানেক আগে
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darkmintoutau picked Utau:
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chowjoyi picked Utau:
utau of course
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TwiChara picked Utau:
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airah_13 picked Utau:
hoshina utau of course....^^
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ItachisxLover picked Yaya:
why whould utau be a good match? really. Utau is older than him...but wat ever
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SoumaYuiki picked Yaya:
I think Yaya, she's cuter.
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iluvkukai picked Utau:
shugo chara! encore! : kukai KISSES utau!!
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princesspinkla picked Utau:
there cute together :)
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maro-chan picked Utau:
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ana_tai_tadase picked Yaya:
no!!!!!!!!! kukaixyaya!!! yaya is better for him...she is sooooooo much cuter than utau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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almira98 picked Utau:
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randomness2014 picked Yaya:
yaya & kukai
in the manga after yaya & utau beat the dog thing she even said that he talked alot about yaya when they had the ramen competition
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runofan1 picked Utau:
im mean comon kukai kisses utau in encore
nd there alwas together in anime
KUTAU ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
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mirafabia picked Yaya:
stop!!!Kukai KISS UTAU!!!?????????????i choose Yaya because no onemany people choose them...and it is okay^^
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Tenmari-chan picked Utau:
@ItachisxLover Ikuto is older than Amu, your point is?

Utau because they're so awesome for each other. Both So very competitive.
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maqua picked Utau:
Utau duh he kissed Utau in Shugo Chara! Encore! duh bitches except of for the people who vote for it :)
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Okami46 picked Utau:
Utau x Kukai! They kissed in the Manga, which I literally died in cuteness. (Wait, would that mean I'm a zombie?! Creepy...)
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viera_ditya picked Utau:
kukai is match with utau...and nagi.
why there is no nagi poll?!
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rikku_chan picked Utau:
Utau <3
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MadameRedX picked Amu:
im stuck between amu and utau . but , both of them are awesome .
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nangloveanime picked Utau:
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Bakatesu picked Amu:
I say Amu. I've never liked him with Utau anyway.
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