Kyoya Tategami Club
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added by Chrissy245
Source: 100000
added by Darkleon1
added by 3kicks
added by Darkleon1
added by Darkleon1
added by Darkleon1
added by XryugafangirlX
added by Darkleon1
We all sat around the table. At my left Tsubasa sat and on right Gingka sat. Right infront of me was Kyoya. I began eating my dinner. Kyoya stared me hard. I looked at him and got in his eyes. I became down. Gingka and Tsubasa saw that. Gingka thought to change the enviorment. "Hey Madoka....where is my hamburger....i need it now...",Gingka shoued."Umm...I am sorry..I didnt made it for আপনি today....will make it tomorrow ..promise...",Madoka replied. "I cant beleive Gingka is eating his ডিনার without hamdurger...",Masamune commented. Everyone laughed. I didnt responded. I quikly ate my food...
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added by linhxinh741
Hello this is my first story and I really hope আপনি enjoy
The main characters: Kyoya Tategami from বেব্লেড and Miku Hatsune from Vocaloid
Secondary Characters: Hagane Ginga, Madoka Amano, Yu Tendo and Benkei

First দিন of summer just went.What could be better? Sun, beach, parties and of course "Beyblade"
And to celebrate the first দিন of summer, Kyoya and his বন্ধু went to the park to participate in different bey battle.Hours passed, and Kyoya gone. The only opponent he was suitable for him was Ginga but Kyoya knew that it was not strong enough for a new confrontation.Boy walking alone in the...
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added by Darkleon1
added by eagle_tamer
added by kyoyatategami2
Source: they are soooo cute together
পরবর্তি day, before waking Miku, Kyoya slipped stealthily into the room and sat down beside her rubbing her head slightly. He looked twice Miku and noticed that she started smiling.
"Good Morning Kitten" ব্যক্ত Kyoya.
"Oh ... নমস্কার .. Good morning."
"I told আপনি to keep that promise. How'd আপনি sleep?"
"Okay. No আরো pain.'s Where it came bandages?" Miku looked আরো closely at Kyoya and concluded that it hides something.
"Madoka gave me bandages and knew I did not want to wake ...."
Miku approaching hottest Kyoya and he whispered:
"Thanks that did it."
There was a silence until ....
"Breakfast is ready!"...
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posted by kyoya02
"Tobby!" "i'm not Tobby!" " আপনি did this to him it's your fault this wasn't the deal!" sais zeo "i have no controll over his actions!" " dont tell me আপনি used me to get to Tobby!" zeo yells!

পরবর্তি capter

"no! no! no!" yells jack " আপনি were not sopposed to beat us!" yells damion " Tuff luck" kyoya sais back "hey আপনি kyoya lets get in dr. zigorots rocket ship city!" sais masamoonay " so the city is a rocket ship!" yells madoka "we have to বিভক্ত করা up me, masamoonay and gingka will go up this path the rest go up the other!"sais kyoya "H D acadamy guys!" sais masamoonay " leone king lion taring blast!" yells kyoya "wow... there really is no stopping that guy" sais masamoonay " that's kyoya for you..." meanwhile... "lets hide ok there gone!" sais stubasa
 Celia Hanajima
Celia Hanajima
Celia's P.O.V

"dad, Do I really need to come?" I asked
Of course! All your বন্ধু are going to be there!" my dad says
"But, I wanted to stay in America for the summer!'
"Well too bad" he says
Im Celia Hanajima! Part American, Part Japanese.
My dad's making me go to বেব্লেড summer camp.
"alright dear, were here!" I cam out of the car and got my stuff.
"seeya dad" I চুম্বন him goodbye and he drives off.
"wow...this place is soo cool"
Then I saw Masamune, Zeo and Toby.
"Hey guys! They turn and I wave.
"Cece!" Zeo shouts and I hug all 3 of them
"Im so glad আপনি made it!" Masamune shouts
"Hey Celia! আপনি made...
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Utau: আপনি came to the right place
Ginka : what is the plan ?
Utau : I need two of kyoyas বন্ধু an one of natsumi friends
Ryuga : why
Utau : আপনি will know later now GO
Ginka : do আপনি think natsumi has বন্ধু
Ryuga : I do not know go find them
Ginka : why me it is easy go do it
Ryuga : if it is easy আপনি do it
Ginka : fine
Ginka : নমস্কার are আপনি dreck and Justin
Dreck: ya what do আপনি want
Justin: it is that guy that we beat up
Ginka : a girl want to see আপনি come with me
Utau : so আপনি are kyoyas বন্ধু
Justin: so
Utau: sit down did আপনি bring the girl
Ginka : I will bring her
Ginka : নমস্কার nagi does natsumi have...
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added by Bubzzbeauty
Source: Bubzzbeauty
posted by Julie-alice
' oky ' .Kyoya said. '3,2,1 LET IT RIP!". 'King lion blast of terror'. Kyoya's shouts as he unleashes his special সরানো and this special সরানো knocks out all the bladers on the arena except the suspicious girl Kyouya. Kyoya starts to leave but Kyouya stops him.

'You cannot leave until'. She stops in the middle. 'Until what... miss crazy pants'.Kyoya asks.

'What did আপনি call me'. Kyouya asks. 'Whay do আপনি think i called you'. Kyoya says.

'You cannot leave until আপনি save us'.She sais in a low tone.

'Oh man '. Kyoya ব্যক্ত sighing.

'Now I really am stuck here until i save them Anyway i don't have to stay here to save আপনি them'. Kyoya says to himself.' So what is your descion?'.Kyouya asks.'I will stay'. Kyoya উত্তর felling sorry he ব্যক্ত what he said.