"Tobby!" "i'm not Tobby!" " আপনি did this to him it's your fault this wasn't the deal!" sais zeo "i have no controll over his actions!" " dont tell me আপনি used me to get to Tobby!" zeo yells!
পরবর্তি capter
"no! no! no!" yells jack " আপনি were not sopposed to beat us!" yells damion " Tuff luck" kyoya sais back "hey আপনি kyoya lets get in dr. zigorots rocket ship city!" sais masamoonay " so the city is a rocket ship!" yells madoka "we have to বিভক্ত করা up me, masamoonay and gingka will go up this path the rest go up the other!"sais kyoya "H D acadamy guys!" sais masamoonay " leone king lion taring blast!" yells kyoya "wow... there really is no stopping that guy" sais masamoonay " that's kyoya for you..." meanwhile... "lets hide ok there gone!" sais stubasa
পরবর্তি capter
"no! no! no!" yells jack " আপনি were not sopposed to beat us!" yells damion " Tuff luck" kyoya sais back "hey আপনি kyoya lets get in dr. zigorots rocket ship city!" sais masamoonay " so the city is a rocket ship!" yells madoka "we have to বিভক্ত করা up me, masamoonay and gingka will go up this path the rest go up the other!"sais kyoya "H D acadamy guys!" sais masamoonay " leone king lion taring blast!" yells kyoya "wow... there really is no stopping that guy" sais masamoonay " that's kyoya for you..." meanwhile... "lets hide ok there gone!" sais stubasa
' oky ' .Kyoya said. '3,2,1 LET IT RIP!". 'King lion blast of terror'. Kyoya's shouts as he unleashes his special সরানো and this special সরানো knocks out all the bladers on the arena except the suspicious girl Kyouya. Kyoya starts to leave but Kyouya stops him.
'You cannot leave until'. She stops in the middle. 'Until what... miss crazy pants'.Kyoya asks.
'What did আপনি call me'. Kyouya asks. 'Whay do আপনি think i called you'. Kyoya says.
'You cannot leave until আপনি save us'.She sais in a low tone.
'Oh man '. Kyoya ব্যক্ত sighing.
'Now I really am stuck here until i save them Anyway i don't have to stay here to save আপনি them'. Kyoya says to himself.' So what is your descion?'.Kyouya asks.'I will stay'. Kyoya উত্তর felling sorry he ব্যক্ত what he said.
'You cannot leave until'. She stops in the middle. 'Until what... miss crazy pants'.Kyoya asks.
'What did আপনি call me'. Kyouya asks. 'Whay do আপনি think i called you'. Kyoya says.
'You cannot leave until আপনি save us'.She sais in a low tone.
'Oh man '. Kyoya ব্যক্ত sighing.
'Now I really am stuck here until i save them Anyway i don't have to stay here to save আপনি them'. Kyoya says to himself.' So what is your descion?'.Kyouya asks.'I will stay'. Kyoya উত্তর felling sorry he ব্যক্ত what he said.