Why did Gill leave monster high?

Answer this প্রশ্ন after পাঠ করা my প্রবন্ধ about it!KK!
 zoeyrider posted বছরখানেক আগে
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Lagoona Blue উত্তর

monsterhigh44 said:
Gill left Monster High because his parents doesn't believe his people should be seen with Lagoona's so they sent him to boarding school but in the Fright On he came back because he loved Lagoona so much
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
haylee2012 said:
His parents are stupit thats WHY
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
BrrrFan said:
It was of course; because his parents could not see the প্রণয় blossoming between Gil and Lagoona and never breaking the tradition of "Freshies" not being able to be seen with Gil himself and his 'racist' parents: "Salties."
This little crack in the road was nothing though, because as seen in "Fright On!" and a few webisodes after Back to Ghoul, Lagoona is reunited with her (perfect-for-her) boyfriend!
This proves that with প্রণয় that is as true and pure as Lagoona and Gil's; nothing can stand in their way!❤ L❤ts ❤' L❤ve: BrrrFan
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
HelenaCeledon12 said:
his parents did not like Lagoona so they sent him away from her
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 his parents did not like Lagoona so they sent him away from her
posted বছরখানেক আগে 
marta150702 said:
Because his parents didnt want him to তারিখ lagoona and he did so thez took him away
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
habbofirstfan said:
he moved cause his parents disagreed for him to be with lagoona so after summer break lagoona walked out of the ghouls bathroom crying then Fra n kie sorry I wrote this on my kindle Frank ie later told lagoon a that she had two boyfriends lagoon a replied that's good for আপনি and walked away crying soon he reaturned became couple he (translation.his fresh water and she's saltwater incompetents didn't trustsalties

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