Lee Evans
Went to see Lee at the Glasgow SECC last night, was so so impressed. I loved every second! He had me in tears the majority of the time he was on stage.
The only thing that i'd say really pissed me off throughout the whole night was the traffic and how badly the SECC organised the cars. I live in Kirkcaldy, so we set off bout 5.30pm; we didn't actually reach our seats til 8.30pm; bloody nightmare! It really was ridiculous coming out as well; they only had one booth to pay open.
I would like to see Glasgow and the SECC make আরো of an effort and some changes to the organisation and structure of large events like these. Why should we pay all that money for tickets, and not actually see the entirety of the show?!?
Loved আপনি Lee; get the SECC/Glasgow told that আপনি and your অনুরাগী deserve better than their shitty organisation ;-)
The only thing that i'd say really pissed me off throughout the whole night was the traffic and how badly the SECC organised the cars. I live in Kirkcaldy, so we set off bout 5.30pm; we didn't actually reach our seats til 8.30pm; bloody nightmare! It really was ridiculous coming out as well; they only had one booth to pay open.
I would like to see Glasgow and the SECC make আরো of an effort and some changes to the organisation and structure of large events like these. Why should we pay all that money for tickets, and not actually see the entirety of the show?!?
Loved আপনি Lee; get the SECC/Glasgow told that আপনি and your অনুরাগী deserve better than their shitty organisation ;-)
ok, so basically, i'm just taking advantage of any opportunity i can find to say how much i absolutely প্রণয় Lee Evans. i know that millions of people will agree with me, and i hope there aren't any who disagree. so yeah, Lee Evans is the most amazing man on this planet (aside from my dad ofc.) and in my opinion, he sould be knighted অথবা something for his amazing contribution to my general দিন to দিন happiness and to comedy. I have many favourite parts of his tours, so i won't name them all, but i have to say, my absolute favourtie প্রদর্শনী of his is not infct live at the o2, but it's live in scotland. it's so hilarious.
My whole family are massive Lee Evans fans, we always have been. We have all his DVDs and we watch them often. We were pleased to hear about his tour and we booked 6 tickets for his প্রদর্শনী on 5th October from Double8 tickets on july 31st. TODAY at 1pm Double8 tickets called me to tell me that we could not attend on 5th October (tomorrow) as the promoter had sent us tickets for 19th instead.
We have lots to try to re-arrange now, we are VERY disappointed. We paid a little extra to ensure good seats (double face value) now we're not even sure we can get there. They offered a full refund but that' not what we want. Since 31st July we have been looking অগ্রবর্তী to tomorrow.
Moral of story? Don't buy from Double8 tickets as they don't deliver what they promise.
We have lots to try to re-arrange now, we are VERY disappointed. We paid a little extra to ensure good seats (double face value) now we're not even sure we can get there. They offered a full refund but that' not what we want. Since 31st July we have been looking অগ্রবর্তী to tomorrow.
Moral of story? Don't buy from Double8 tickets as they don't deliver what they promise.