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Lee Pace Did আপনি like Lee in Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day?

37 fans picked:
I have not seen it
 JulieL44 posted বছরখানেক আগে
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chel1395 picked Yes:
He was so good in it. I was able to watch him without associating him with his role on Pushing Daisies. Plus, his British accent was wonderful.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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ari12 picked Yes:
He was really good in that movie plus he does the most amazing british accent ever (maybe not ever but you know what I mean). I fell in love with him a little bit more when I saw that movie.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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Pure-Sounds picked Yes:
He WaS So Good , I loved His Voice in " If I didn't Care "
posted বছরখানেক আগে.