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posted by ImBooOK
One morning on my way to work, I stopped দ্বারা the office to drop দ্বারা some files and permission slips from my students. Glancing at the back of the room was Emily, a girl who came in here quite often. "Ms.Andrews" i nodded to her. she nodded back but kept silent. Emily pulled her long bangs from her face.
The ঘণ্টা rang and just then came flooding in was my students. "Morning class" i ব্যক্ত smiling. "Morning Ms.Hannah" they ecohed back. "Do we all know what todays lesson is?" "SEX?!" A boy ব্যক্ত jokingly. "As a matter of fact...sort of. do any of আপনি know what sexuality means?" no one knew? A shy...
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She touches me in a way I cannot describe, her প্রণয় floods this room with a thousand roses.
This scent of her skin drives me crazy...
or is that just the presence of her body?

My hormones are taking over, passion over-whelming my 5 senses.

As I slither my tongue into her mouth I find that not only do I want her body completely-but I also want to always be-and I mean forever be-...with her.

She knows exactly what to do, exactly where to feel me.
She knows exactly what I'm begging for-even if I don't say a word.
Why the hell is she so amazing?
Am I going mad?

I প্রণয় this, pressing my body against hers....
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A few facts before আপনি read. I am extremely bored right now and I decided i would give আপনি all a peice of my ungranted wish for ডিজনি to be Gay made. I have tis secret (well not anymore) obsession with the Original ডিজনি চলচ্চিত্র being made for gays. I mean think about it, theres always the prinsses that falls for the (cough cough) handsome prince...why not change it up a lil and make little miss sleeping beauty fall for the কুইন of all Evil? the sexy sedutive Maleficent? Eh eh? well that is exactly what my story is going to be about, and if আপনি dont know ডিজনি that well, আপনি neva had a really...
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posted by gothic_vamp08
Never before had my life been so ... perfect, so beautiful than the moments i spent with her. Rose. My Rose. She was my everything.

And I was absolutely in প্রণয় with her.

Believe me when i say this, the girl was genuinly beautiful. Her eyes were as blue as the sea - a beautiful, gorgeous blue. Her skin was as white as snow and her lips ... Oh, don't even get me started on her lips. They were as full as Anjelina Jolie's and as red as an apple. And her curves...

She was meu inima (my heart) and I truly loved her.

Every মিনিট I spent with her caused emotions to spread through me like wildfire. Everytime...
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posted by desgrace
think calm
i can smell her, feel her, she is near,
i reach out to touch her, but she disappears,
dont go i say,i need আপনি here, i need আপনি near,
she turns way and begins to leave,
she only left me, with a tear and a leaf,

i run after her, afraid of where i would be,
if she left me,
i catch her, in the midst of it all,
she lay on the grass, a tear in the fall,
i couldnt go, she says,
i প্রণয় আপনি too much,

i close the distance between us and take her in my arms, she shakes and cries and stirs, yet i hold on, i প্রণয় her, she loves me,
it's as though we were meant to be,

kiss me, she says, and i do,
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posted by Freaxxx
She wakes up under a fog looking up at the night-sky...she can't breathe.
'Last night...' She thinks, "Last night..." she repeats.

'Last night I confessed my love, out on a night in the City Lights.
Last night I fell in প্রণয় all over again-out in the City Lights, again, all over again...'

She stands up and lets out a breath, flashing back to the night before this.

Her eyes shoot open, a kiss, a loving kiss.
She had a passionate kiss...with the same girl, for this girl she lives.

She loves her but is ashamed, what she usually is not.
She loves this girl, she hates to admit, but she needs to accept...
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