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added by MaidofOrleans
Source: Cliff Childs
added by MaidofOrleans
Source: Jamie Jones
added by saiyajin1
added by GearGirl666
added by GearGirl666
added by GearGirl666
added by MaidofOrleans
Source: Volkan Baga
added by GearGirl666
added by MaidofOrleans
Source: Victor Adame Minguez
added by MaidofOrleans
Source: Magali Villeneuve
added by GearGirl666
প্রবন্ধ here for archiving purposes. Originally পোষ্ট হয়েছে on on April 10, 2013 and written দ্বারা Alexander Silady.

The Maze Runners for each of the ten guilds are some of the flagship cards for Dragon's Maze. In tonight's third-party preview, one of them, representing the Cult of Rakdos, was revealed to Reddit's Magic subcommunity first. Time to meet Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch.

In terms of sheer combat efficiency, the cult leader's stats are the best of all the Maze Runners. She can attack on turn four as a 4/4 with first strike and haste, which would already be impressive for a mere 2BR....
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added by MaidofOrleans
Source: Clint Cearley
added by MaidofOrleans
Source: Chris Rallis
added by MaidofOrleans
Source: Magali Villeneuve
added by GearGirl666
added by GearGirl666
added by GearGirl666