Make Your Own Warrior Cat! Club
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I made two প্রবন্ধ about Breezefang and Crystalwing. I plan to make one about Freezestar as well and the creator of the clans Skye herself. She is the first ever medicine cat as well. So, stay toon for আরো chapters of the OCs warrior cat news. Anyways I'm going to make something about Maplestar very soon along with Lemonheart. Ask any প্রশ্ন in the মতামত and feel free to like and পছন্দ as well. So Flamefur (a Blazeclan cat with a tragic story) will be getting his own প্রবন্ধ as well. I decided to do a summer special প্রবন্ধ about some cat from early times. It will be published on 7/16/2016 get ready for a nice long one.
posted by warriorcats123
It was a tragic দিন when thunder, wind, shadow and river clan all left the full of prey land.But under all that sorrow and death built a new and stronger clan STORM clan with respectful, loyal, and bravest মার্জার ever!

Leader-bluestorm is a gray blue she-cat with চুন green eyes

1.Willowclaw- is a pure white she-cat with blue eyes
2.Blackpelet-is a black and white Tom with amber eyes
3.Bluefur-dark gray with left back leg and left front leg black and চুন green eyes
3.Ashfoot-dark gray, light gray, and black mixed with yellow golden eyes
4.Blacktail-all white with black tail and brown eyes...
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posted by octaviavsdjpon3
 bluestar is my পছন্দ cat
bluestar is my favorite cat
bluestar is a cat from thunderclan
her age is 78 moons(6.5 years)
her death was drownding she faked death to get away from starclan.he has a few names.
kit: bluekit
apprentice: bluepaw
warrior: bluefur
queen: bluefur
deputy: bluefur
leader: bluestar
those are all the names....
now her family.
father: stormtail
mother: moonflower
sister: snowfur
mate: oakheart
son: stonefur
daughters: mistystar, mosskit
that's all of her family:)
now for the education মার্জার for her:)
mentor(s): stonepelt, sunstar
apprentice(s): frostfur, runningwind, and
leader position:)
preceded by: sunstar
succeeded bye: firestar
deputy position:)
preceded by: tawnyspots
succeeded by: redtail
posted by amberheart1999
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (sorry this had to be so many characters long.)

Click on the picture of the clan মার্জার in ShrewClan pictures and it will infor আপনি there.

খুঁজুন ফ্যানপপ for "ShrewClan".
posted by boomerlover
It's dark out. The woods were silent, with only the faint sound of crickets. The night was cold.Dethpaw was racing back from the woods. She was out hunting, but something had happend.She was scratched up and hurt.Dethpaw has a black coat, and blue eyes, with a white tip on her tail, and a jet black dash on her chest.

"Killerstar!" She mewed for help.

Killerstar was the leader of the clan. She had a red coat, with black stripes.

"Killerstar?" She was panting and her cuts stung.

Firestripe comes from her den. She has a firery কমলা coat, with yellow stripes, so her pelt looks like fire.

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posted by Frorstyheart10
Autummfall closed her eyes slowly. She felt depressed her mother had left their tribe to যোগদান Fierce tribe. She had left her behind her old প্রথমপাতা to make clans instead. The clans were known for their personalities Snowclan are the sneaky ones they tend to lurk in the Snow since most Snowclan মার্জার have white fur. Moonclan মার্জার are mysterious and friendly they like to help other মার্জার but, act আরো elegant yet they're tough in battle. Grassclan মার্জার are quick and very loyal they enjoy their days out on open moors chasing rabbits some even go inside rabbit borrows! Blazeclan happened to be the ব্রেভ and bold ones who were ready to charge into battle at any moment. I think Snowclan is nice but, my পশম color won't match the description... we will arrive at camp when we set off in the morning. "Autummfall are আপনি coming অথবা not? We're going early!" Smokeshadow called from the entrance of her den. Her হৃদয় leaped with excitement she was going to be part of a clan!
To be continued...
posted by Frorstyheart10
The wind whistled in a tone Lemonheart knew. A spirit she trained with named Breezefang. As a child Breezefang was jealous of his brother so he killed him so, his mother would প্রণয় him. His father had died in a fight with Blazeclan when he was young he wanted his mother to প্রণয় so, he made up lies. He would raid camps in the middle of the night killing just so his mother would প্রণয় him. Sad enough she didn't care at all. One night Blazeclan মার্জার caught him in the act and killed him. His body was swept down the river where his mother found it. She had told the truth about his brother so, Snowclan...
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posted by Marie18007
Hollyfur shook her black পশম following the owl shape it scare her but she was drawn to it somehow looking at the tawny owl "My name is Tawnyspots" "My name is Hollyfur" "I know who আপনি are already . আপনি are part of the prophecy আপনি and your বন্ধু Flamestripe" the flame colored tom stood there mortified
I was planning to start a short অনুরাগী fiction series with the clans above.^^ The main clan is FireClan and there may be some scenes from NightClan. This is some,not all, of the characters(it may be edited later):

Leader- Flamestar: fiery-coated tom with icy blue eyes

Deputy- Redheart: fox-like tom with green eyes

Medicine Cat- Leaftail: Brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Rockpelt:dusty-gray tom with blue eyes
Moonshine:blue-gray she-cat with green eyes
Bluestripe:blue-gray tom with black stripes
Bumbleleaf:golden tabby tom with amber eyes
Dawnpelt: brown and white she-cat with amber eyes

Sunpaw:light কমলা tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Frostpaw:white she-cat with green eyes
Nightpaw:black tom with hazel eyes
"Hey!Stop that Cottakit!"dirt flinging around my head,as Cottakit claws the ground.Sometimes she very much annoys me,like when she flinged moss and hit me in the eye অথবা when she smacked me in the face in her sleep.
"opps sorry Stormkit"she meows,stopping the clawing but thumps her tail instead"i just excited!there will be new kits soon!Now we will have someone to play with"she bounces over to Moonshadow,who's belly is huge with unborn kits"what will আপনি name them?!"Cottakit's eyes were bright blue,sparkling with wonder.

“Sweety,there not born yet.I have to see them first but I do have the...
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posted by scourgefan
i am new to ফ্যানপপ and i am making a warriors story. it is about a rouge named fang who joins a clan. i am not done but when i am i will post it. i am working very hard. i took some of the characters from tv shows and games. the story will be very funny when i am finished with it.the clans are burdockclan stoneclan and the main clan grassclan. if আপনি want me to post what i have so far আপনি will have to tell me. my main cat is fang. he is an immortal cat who joins grassclan. i promise আপনি will প্রণয় my story. it is called warriors:dark forest fang. i hope আপনি like it. so far i am at page 52 chapter 5. please comment. the আরো মতামত i get the faster my story will be published. i will work on my story from dusk to dawn until i finish. if আপনি want me to add a character tell me soon অথবা it might be too late. all the মার্জার will be told to আপনি in the story.
posted by NightFur101
Lightning Tail walked up to his mate, চেরি Heart. He saw that the Fresh-Kill pile was low. “Would আপনি like to go hunting?” He asked. “I would loves to” she purred. They were walking through the woods, then চেরি হৃদয় stoped. “What is it?” Lightning Tail asked. “I smell squirrel” she said. He saw the কাঠবিড়াল and began to creep up on it. Then he smelled a new scent. It was Lake Clan’s.”We need to get back to camp, quick!” He ব্যক্ত urgently. They raced back to camp. When they went in they saw a chaos of battle. Lightning Tail jumped in to help. He pounced on a Lake Clan...
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posted by warriorcats123
Storm clan was not the only one who found this land, Ice clan was formed with the bravest and strongest cats

1.articstar-is a solid white she-cat with sky blue eyes

1. Bluepaw-is a blue and gray she-cat with amber eyes
2.waterpaw-is a dark blue Tom with amber eyes
3.jaypaw-is a black and red she-cat with brown eyes
4.dirtpaw-is a dirt color Tom with brown eyes

1.shadowclaw-is a black Tom with চুন green eyes
2.fireclaw-is a handsome কমলা colored Tom with amber eyes
3.sharpclaw-is a ginger Tom with amazing yellow eyes
4.raveclaw-is a black and white Tom with amber eyes
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posted by MacieFrog101
Hi. I just now joined fanpop, already LOVING it! Now, I've started লেখা a story about My Clans, NightClan,FlameClan, NightClan, and My Main Clan: LightningClan. As we go deeper into the story, we start off with a nice little secret-meeting, between two Kits, both almost apprentices, Near the River that marks a border. The 2 kits are Dragonkit and Ravenkit(me).(You might wanna know who I am, so i'll explain later) They meet each other quickly, and wish each other good luck with their apprenticeship, both being the same exact age. Ravenkit's Mother (Known As PoppyFlower) Beckons her. Ravenkit runs to her mother. I am Ravenkit/paw/heart/star.We get into all that later. I'm not Finished with the story, and I'll post the whole story later.

Also, one of the clans is in great danger at the end of the story. No আরো Spoilers, though!
posted by ticklemeblue
Sunpaw looked around the camp slowly.The clearing was very crowded today. It was a nice day, but she knew her father would pop out of nowhere and yell at her. The usual.
" Hey! " a croaky voice came from behind, " আপনি need to watch where your goin'! Geez..."
" Hey! " she mimicked, " আপনি should watch where YOUR going. আপনি walked into ME."
Sunpaw stomped off, angrily. Everyone blames it on me and my sister, of course, gets the good treatment, she thought. She began to walk towards her mentor and then, she stumbled and fell. The whole camp bursted out laughing.
" আরো humiliation. " Sunpaw sighed....
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posted by Fairstepshaven
Ok, so, here is my main clan- LightningClan! My other three clans are StormClan, RavenClan, and SkyClan. A note to all who view this- please do not take my names and descriptions. For some of them I worked hard on. আপনি can use the name on here if I let you, অথবা if আপনি already used it, but please, don't take both the name and cat description. That's just mean. Okay! On to the clan!

Leader- Onestar- a sleek furred pure black she-cat with a snowy white, shining single তারকা on her chest and pale blue eyes.

Deputy- Blondefeather- a pretty light blonde(golden) she-cat with darker tabby...
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posted by Rainstrike
Mosskit, a dark brown tabby she-cat with green eyes, hooked up a ball of moss with her claw and hurled it at her sister, Rainkit. Rainkit, a black tabby she-cat with green eyes squealed and leaped on it. She battered at it with her front paws. Mosskit stared in surprise at the torn mossball. "I guess we'll have to get another one..." Rainkit nodded. "Sorry. I'll get it. Rainkit hopped away and grabbed another pawfull of moss, but her sister had gone into the nursery, where her mother Hollystem lay. Hollystem lifted her head drowsily and looked at Rainkit. "You should get some sleep; your apprentice...
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The wind was howling as the cream and brown color point carried two kits.A silver tom caring the other two,trotted up to the she cat from behind"are আপনি sure আপনি want to do this Jady?"The tom mumbled through through the kitten fur.
"yesh nick"she mumbled,as she comes to the crusadeclan border she sets the kits in her jaws পরবর্তি to a prikle গুল্ম and Nick does the same with the other kits"good bye,Cotta"licks the whimpering pretty silver and black tabby she cat"good bye black"licks the still black tom"good bye jade"she licks a copy of herself.She sweeps her brilliant green gaze over all her small...
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posted by Frorstyheart10
Crystalwing headed into the moors of Grassclan. Her mother Lillyflower was just killed and not a single cat had sympathy অথবা wanted revenge on those Snowclan cats. The two clans had clashed a two hours পূর্বে and still everybody was expecting them to charge into camp and finish up the rest of them. Suddenly, she saw a flash a yellow. Crystalwing slowly stalked অগ্রবর্তী ready to attack. Then, she was her cat. It was Lemonheart her little sister. "Where are আপনি going? Revenge like আপনি were meowing about?" Lemonheart asked fixing her two mismatching eyes on her. "You guessed right." Crystalwing replied...
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posted by Feathershine
(I will always have the StoneClan members up :3)

Leader: Birchstar: light brown tabby she-cat with কমলা patches and green-blue eyes
Deputy: Splashheart: small tortoiseshell-and-white Tom with clear blue eyes
Medicine cat: Whisperingwind: pretty silver tabby she-cat with white stripes and light green-blue eyes
Apprentice: Mallownose
Berrystem: cream-and-brown Tom with green eyes
Apprentice: Redpaw
Rosefall: pale tortoiseshell she-cat with স্বর্ণ eyes
Frozenrift: icy light gray tabby Tom with dark blue eyes and white paws
Apprentice: Patchpaw
Rockpelt: brown Tom with jet black patches and amber...
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