"Froot" is such a perfect & flawless song!! Everything related to it makes it so awesome!
P.S. Marina's body is just so so perfect,espescially in "Froot"'s video,I cant get such body shape in seven lives অথবা more. Dx *-*
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
In প্রণয় with marina <33333 Her each single song is masterpiece! Shes unlike other singers of today -_- I প্রণয় her so much now!
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
so excited to listen to the new album she released today!! I'm so proud of how far she has come up n her সঙ্গীত over the years and I hope she continues to make সঙ্গীত as long as she wants to. #FROOT
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
Track তালিকা for FROOT: •Happy •Froot •I'm a ruin •Blue •Forget •Gold •Can't pin me down •Solitaire •Better than that •Weeds •Savages •Immortal
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
Okay, so last বছর marina ব্যক্ত her new সঙ্গীত would come out somewhere between September 2013 and September 2014, and it's now October and it still hasn't been released. Maybe it just hasn't been released in America yet. But I really hope she releases it soon, I can't wait to hear it. I প্রণয় her so much <3
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
New spot look, anyone? I made a মতামত asking about it a while ago, and then I made a ফোরাম for submissions, but so far, I'm the only one who's দাখিল হয়েছে anything. I'm just wondering if anyone is still interested in a new look? If so, জমা করুন your ideas, অথবা just say you're interested, so we know whether অথবা not to bother with trying to change the spot look, :)
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
I think her video for "How to Be a Heartbreaker" should have been the video for "Sex Yeah" cos that's all I could think about when I watched it... Just puttin that out there
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
"Through others, we become ourselves" - The Archetypes
I'm really fascinated দ্বারা the idea of creating the 4 archetypes (Teen Idle, Homewrecker, Primadonna, Su-Barbie-A) to embody "Electra Heart". Also, I read this post on Tumblr about someone লেখা a book about Electra হৃদয় and it was very interesting especially knowing the ending on which the 4 archetypes were really just all the same person - Electra Heart; driven insane দ্বারা the insecurities of the 4 archetypes. <3
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
She was fantastic <3 She sounded great live, and she really got the audience excited. She seemed really surprised that she had so many অনুরাগী in Seattle-the venue was PACKED. She's so amazing <3বছরখানেক আগে
^You know, in a way, it's all because of you, since it's because of আপনি I even became a অনুরাগী of marina and the Diamonds in the first place :Pবছরখানেক আগে
Hiya!!!!! If you're a অনুরাগী of marina and the Diamonds then আপনি will প্রণয় Colette Falla!!! Check out the সঙ্গীত video for her debut release 'Underwater' (link).. Also check out her ফেসবুক page and website!! (www.colettefalla.com)
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
Just out of curiosity......I noticed that some of the most জনপ্রিয় ট্যাগ that appear when you're uploading প্রতিমূর্তি included Harry Potter, Selena Gomez, and Lady Gaga. Just seemed sort of strange, I was wondering if anyone knew why.
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
Hiya!!!!! If you're a অনুরাগী of marina and the Diamonds then আপনি will প্রণয় Colette Falla!!! Check out the সঙ্গীত video for her debut release 'Underwater' (linkAlso check out her ফেসবুক page and website!! (www.colettefalla.com)বছরখানেক আগে
Hiya!!!!! If you're a অনুরাগী of marina and the Diamonds then আপনি will প্রণয় Colette Falla!!! Check out the সঙ্গীত video for her debut release 'Underwater' (linkAlso check out her ফেসবুক page and website!! (www.colettefalla.com)বছরখানেক আগে
Hiya!!!!! If you're a অনুরাগী of marina and the Diamonds then আপনি will প্রণয় Colette Falla!!! Check out the সঙ্গীত video for her debut release 'Underwater' (linkAlso check out her ফেসবুক page and website!! (www.colettefalla.com)বছরখানেক আগে
Hiya!!!!! If you're a অনুরাগী of marina and the Diamonds then আপনি will প্রণয় Colette Falla!!! Check out the সঙ্গীত video for her debut release 'Underwater' (linkAlso check out her ফেসবুক page and website!! (www.colettefalla.com)বছরখানেক আগে
Hiya!!!!! If you're a অনুরাগী of marina and the Diamonds then আপনি will প্রণয় Colette Falla!!! Check out the সঙ্গীত video for her debut release 'Underwater' (linkAlso check out her ফেসবুক page and website!! (www.colettefalla.com)বছরখানেক আগে
Drinking champagne, made দ্বারা the angel Who goes দ্বারা the name of Glittering Gabriel Drinking champagne made of an angels Tears and pain, now I feel celestial
Hey! Thought you’d be interested to know that marina has been nominated in the Hottest Girls Category in this year’s 4Music Video Honours! Head to www.4Music.com to place your vote and প্রদর্শনী your support! Watch the results প্রদর্শনী live at T4 Stars of 2010 on 21st November :)
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে