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Freylin is my otp. There are MANY reasons why. And in this post, I’m going to make a review of their first kiss, ‘cause it really was a perfect first kiss. First, the way he comforted her দ্বারা taking her hand in his, saying “I won’t let that happen”, when she worries about Halig finding her, and putting her back in that cage. The way he says “shhh” in such a reassuring way...oh my Freylin heart.

And then he looks at her in the eye and says “I promised আপনি I’d look after you, and I will. No matter what.” Oh Merlin. You’re so dreamy. 😍

Then, he stares deeper into his eyes...
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posted by Splashstorm
So I’ve been পাঠ করা a lot of meta lately, and some of the responses I’ve seen have got my hackles up. Read at your peril.

Goddamn but I do hate queer-baiting. I hate the whole concept it represents, I hate that it happens, but most of all, I hate that certain quarters in a fandom will use it as an excuse to discourage/disprove any points a gay ship has towards becoming canon.

"Oh, Regina and Emma touched one another and made literal magic? Queer baiting!"

"Oh, Castiel told Dean that he was his primary motivation in abandoning heaven? Queer baiting!"

"Oh, Merlin took off Arthur’s pants and...
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It was late morning and the bright sun was gleaming through the windows. There were already servants teaming through the corridors and sweeping through the দুর্গ going about their errands and cleaning up after last night’s festivities.
Guinevere looked around her. She was lying in a large চার পোস্টার বিছানা that sat against the wall. There were two large wooden doors opposite her, and to her right a দেওয়াল of windows. Two of them were open blowing out a sheer stream of white material and a cool breeze that swept over her skin. She lay where she was for a few moments just resting her eyes and...
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5. Merlin

Merlin I think has this different sort of handsomeness. He's not your classic blonde haired, tough, physically fit guy. He's kind on the scawny side but I think he's cute enough to make the শীর্ষ 5. He has a really nice face and I প্রণয় his hair. And his eyes I adore his eyes. They are such a brilliant blue. Merlin is proof that a person doesn't have to meet the typical standards to be good looking.

4. Mordred

Don't get me wrong he was a really cutie pie when he was younger, but all things considered I'm not referring to adorable little Mordred. I'm talking about the teenage Mordred....
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“Hurry up Merlin, walk faster” Arthur ব্যক্ত with not much enthusiasm.
“Well I’m sorry” ব্যক্ত Merlin “I can’t help being so slow while I’m holding both of our stuff”
Arthur rolled his eyes. They were out hunting in the forest.
“Did আপনি hear that?” exclaimed Merlin.
“Yes, it was a deer and আপনি scared it away…”
“Sorry” Merlin whispered.
They kept on walking when they saw a সেকেন্ড deer, this one bigger than the last.
“Shh” Arthur ব্যক্ত to Merlin while getting ready to shoot his bow.
He had a clear view, he was certain he was going to get it. Then all of a sudden there...
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MediaBlvd> Thank আপনি for your time, it’s great to talk to আপনি and we’re really looking অগ্রবর্তী to series two airing on SyFy this week.

Colin> Yeah, I’ve got some বন্ধু in Boston and they were saying they were re-running the first series all দিন Sunday, then it’s on this week. It’s a bit crazy!

MediaBlvd> Yeah, it is. Let me start off দ্বারা asking you, you’ve got the শিরোনাম role in the series. How big of a deal of this is it for your career, and just to be playing Merlin, such an iconic figure in the Arthurian legends.

Colin> Yeah, it’s such a good...
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posted by zanhar1
With Merlin something I personally came to realize is that good and evil in this প্রদর্শনী is far from black and white. Many seem to agree that the good guys truly are the good guys and the bad guys are the bad guys. I have a different take; I feel like the villains really aren't that bad, they just want some security...some safety...the ability to be themselves. And some of the good guys (yes my finger is pointed at আপনি Uther) aren't really all that good.

First and foremost, all the villains seem to just not want to be persecuted. Nimueh being the prim example. This woman just wanted to make sure...
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posted by Casual_Observer
I think we can all agree that if there was a Universal Declaration of অনুরাগী Rights, the right to ship whomever and whatever we want, no matter how strange, disturbing and/or ridiculously adorable the pairing, would be at the very শীর্ষ of that list. Shipping, especially when in regards to non-canonical couples, often reflects what we as individuals desire in relationships, and our own subjective মতামত of what would be cute, sexy অথবা funny to see in a romantic pairing. However, shipping isn’t something that is simply based on our own individual মতামত and desires alone. Fandoms are essentially interactive...
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"Merlin" is back on Syfy tonight (Jan. 6th) with a whole new season. অনুরাগী were shocked to see Uther's (Anthony Head) death in the trailer, along with a much darker tone. Zap2it got to chat with stars Colin মরগান who plays Merlin and Katie McGrath who plays his archenemy Morgana about what's coming up for অনুরাগী of the show.

Morgan said, "The 4th season definitely ups the game a lot, even in terms of how it looks ... it gets a little bit darker each year. This is the darkest it's become." The প্রদর্শনী has had dark episodes before, but they've always been balanced out with silly ones to break the tension....
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Hey Merlin fans! Here’s the interview with your April FOTM winner Melissa…

1) Congratulations! আপনি won the Merlin April FOTM! How do আপনি feel?
Wow, I am a little shocked দ্বারা that, but so honored.:)

2) For those who don’t know আপনি that well, can আপনি tell us a little about yourself?
Well I just turned 17 years old. My name is Melissa. I live in Norway but I am half British. I go to school, taking general studies. I প্রণয় to read, be with friends, horses, dogs, dancing and exercising, shopping etc. My পছন্দ color is pink. I প্রণয় the supernatural, so Merlin and The vampire diaries are my favorite...
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 nerds. are. awesome.... and have completely nothing to do with the story =D
nerds. are. awesome.... and have completely nothing to do with the story =D
“It’s not a very steady ride,” Arthur Pendragon – the good looking prince of Camelot – said, picking himself up off the floor of the TARDIS for the sixth time.
“It’s got too many buttons,” the Doctor replied. He smacked a big, green one and everyone fell over. “Ha! Everyone off.”
They all clambered out of the TARDIS and Merlin looked around in awe. “We actually moved. This is so flipping awesome!!!”
“We’re at the northern borders,” ব্যক্ত Arthur. “The monster could be anywhere around here.” A branch snapped behind him and he spun around, whipping out his sword....
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Merlin woke up that morning sad, as always. Empty, as usual. Full of regret, as expected. It was the same thing every day. He was so tired of it.
    When he dressed, putting his deep blue শার্ট on, he stared into the small piece of mirror hanging from his cupboard. It showed a young man, aged years beyond his body দ্বারা decisions, love, regret, and sorrow. His blue eyes, darkened দ্বারা second-guesses, wondering if things could’ve been different. If he could’ve changed what he’d done. He tied the familiar red scarf around his neck, clenching his jaw while he did so, breathing...
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Super had been cleared away and everyone was talking and drinking with friends, some had risen to mingle and get drinks from the bar. সঙ্গীত was playing lightly in the background and the moon was letting in a silvery haze of light that contrasting with the yellow glow from the candle lit courtroom.
Out of the crowds a tall, dark haired man with a slight tan to his complexion made his way through the crowds to Sir Karne, the older knight who was talking to Uther.
The old knight saw his approach from the corner of his eye and greeted him like a good friend- despite the age difference; the younger...
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1- In 2x10 she choosen to save her sister over kill Uther; because if she was "pure evil" like her haters say, she could sacrifice her sister and kill Uther (but she don't, and she could do it if she wanted because is a powerful woman, but no, she prefer to save her প্রণয় sister when Merlin "good guy" abondoned/poisoned Morgana);
2- she could be villainess, but she is loyal to persons that loves:
When Morgana was afraid without nobody to help her, who's in her side? Morgause. When Morgana was a overrated, who's respect her for herself? Morgause. And who's protect her when even Merlin and Gaius...
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I have already reposted this as an answer to a প্রশ্ন the the Arthur/Gwen Spot, but here it is again..... it sounds cheesy, but i can't be bothered rewording it.. but here it is.

Because I don’t live in Britain, I can’t really see the episodes on TV and Download them from BBC iPlayer!!! *sob*
So this is what I do – I follow these লিঙ্ক and download them!! These files are all safe, good quality, AVI files which means আপনি can run them on most computers, and use them to make অনুরাগী videos, and, and FREE – I used them all to get my Merlin Episodes!!

One teeny problem – with ‘Hotfile’...
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 দুশ্চরিত্রা পরিলেখ pic
bitch profile pic
1. betray old friends.
2. get flirty with morgause.
3. make horribe atempts to kill uther.
4. try to get your best friend murderd.
5. make বন্ধু with enamys of camalot.
6. treten merlin.
7. drive uther mad.
8. kill a gurd.
9. care for mordred.
10. make evil eyes at যেভাবে খুশী stuff.
11.try to get arthur killed.
12. be bitchy to merlin.
13. get kissed on the cheak দ্বারা morgause *love is in the air*
14. become queen.
15. tell uther how much আপনি hate him.
16. try not to get you're sorry backside kiked but merlin opps too late.
posted by louvreangel
It was dark outside and there was a heavy rain that made all the guardians wet as hell. But they were of course still there, protecting Camelot -only they were thinking so because Morgana was already getting out of the দুর্গ silently.

Her steps were fast and her expression was confused. She was going to meet her sister Morgause in the dark forest like always.

Morgause was waiting her little sister with patience. She had a big smile on her face. She was happy because she was thinking that her new plan was going to kill Uther for all.

When Morgana saw her sister in the woods, waiting for her alone,...
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Standing in a clearing with Merlin’s evil twin, Jethro, a big and scary and blue monster named Gary, and now Mordred – the dude who wanted to kill Arthur – would make anyone a little scared. But scared enough to turn and run screaming away? Not our fearless four!

Arthur turned and ran, screaming, away, but Merlin grabbed the back of his shirt. “Where do আপনি think you’re going, mate?”
Mordred stood beside Jethro, radiating evil and cuteness. He was only a little boy, after all. He smiled at Merlin, Arthur, Donna and the Doctor. “I thought আপনি would’ve guessed দ্বারা now,” he said,...
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Arthur:"Are আপনি sure this is the right place
it looks like a charcoal maker's hut"

Merlin:"The old man can hardly make a living practising magic.I think lot of sorceress are in the... charcoal business."

Arthur:*looks at him* "Are আপনি joining me?"

Merlin:*shakes head* "We don't want to overwhelm him.He probably doesn't get many visitors"*whispers* "Ill stay out here and watch the horses"

Arthur:"I've NEVER met some one so scared so often...scream like a big girl if there's any trouble"

Merlin:"Don't worry.you'll here me."

Arthur:*KNOCKS ON DOOR* "Hello?...There's no one here.You sure this is the...
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posted by knight_princess
 22. Follow him around saying, "Bother, bother, bother, bother, bother," until he tells আপনি to go away.
22. Follow him around saying, "Bother, bother, bother, bother, bother," until he tells you to go away.
1. Before he heads out to the training grounds, tell him his armour looks kind of big.

2. Then mention how it looks quite dull.

3. Ask him if he's made his daily quota for yelling at people yet.

4. After number 3, tell Arthur that he count আপনি in his daily quota.

5. Ask him to pout for you.

6. Go up to Morgana when Arthur's within earshot and say, "Doesn't Lancelot have nice hair? He's so much cuter than Arthur!"

7. For added effect on number 6, add "Lancelot isn't a prat, either!"

8. And if আপনি want to be REALLY mean, add "No wonder Merlin likes Lancelot better!"

9. During a conversation with...
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