Michael Jackson 2002 - 2009 প্রশ্ন
Don't আপনি think that MJ looks so HOT and sexy when he wears his reading/eyeglasses??? I don't know maybe it's just me. Mature Mike is SO sexy!!!
Michael Jackson 2002 - 2009 উত্তর
mjjennine said:
YEEEEEESSSSSS!!!! He looks so cute. আপনি can still see his beautiful eyes and the glasses suit him. I প্রণয় the straight black hair too. I would make sure I didn't knock his glasses off while I kissed him!!!!!!
peterdaddy said:
I প্রণয় the pictures of Michael with his glasses on! I'm not wild about when he wears sunglasses since আপনি can't see his beautiful eyes. I also প্রণয় the business attire as well, always appropriate but definately with a Michael sense of style! I have many copies of this one, প্রণয় the vest!
mjjfanava said:
Yessssss!! Mj is always hot and sexy!!
Vespera said:
I agree, the mature Michael was very handsome. He looked very distinguished when he was wearing glasses and a suit.
liberiangirl_mj said:
So true! He was really sexy with his glasses on, very stylish. Mature Mike is truly sexy. The truth is.. আরো mature he was, আরো sexy he was!!!
7LaraCroft7 said:
Michael is always sexy... No matter what he does, what he wears অথবা what he changes... For me, he's the mos beautiful, handsome and sexy man alive... I প্রণয় him so much <3 <3 <3