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added by WickedDesigns
added by WickedDesigns
added by MovieFanGirl20
added by WickedDesigns
added by WickedDesigns
added by WickedDesigns
added by MovieFanGirl20
added by Wes1987
What's the difference between the Xbox 360 Core package and the আরো expensive Platinum package? How much আরো do আপনি get for the extra money that আপনি pay for the Platinum system?

The features of the Xbox 360 Platinum Package

As it turns out, the Platinum package was a lot better. The Platinum package came with a wireless controller, a 20 GB hard drive and HDMI cables to support high definition gaming. These are essential items for পরবর্তি generation gaming, the hard drive actually necessary for saving an Xbox 360 game and for playing any Xbox game.

So, the Platinum package was clearly better,...
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added by WickedDesigns
added by WickedDesigns
added by MovieFanGirl20
added by MovieFanGirl20
added by WickedDesigns
added by WickedDesigns
added by WickedDesigns
xbox 360
added by RBolvari
added by MovieFanGirl20
added by MovieFanGirl20