My Little Pony: FIM অনুরাগী Characters Club
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added by karinabrony
Source: Me for the pony...
added by karinabrony
Source: Me for all of it..
added by shadowknuxgirl
Source: me and the টাট্টু maker
Her pale eyes scanned countless crowds, trying to find someone she had lost, her younger sister, the only person that cared about her. The crowd separated them. When her mother had told them that they should stick together, they fell apart like cutting seams.
Her mother's name was Techno Beats, thier father's name, thier mother never mentioned. Her little sister's name was Lily Bloom, they usto stick together like glue, but after the incident, they slowly tore each other apart on the inside.
Lily Bloom was the stubborn, 'won't give up till I win' type. Lily bloom was a pale পরাকাষ্ঠা filly, seafoam...
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added by kruxking
added by seuris
Source: (c) Seuris
added by lolsmakemelol
লেখক Note: All of these will a diffent Filly all will be Fillies and some will have something good some will have a wrose ending and also some will be adopted দ্বারা the charaters if আপনি dislike that idea tell me please
First The first time in weeks it was raining in Ponyville and it was a horrible thunder storm and there was someponies অথবা some somepony out in the feilds trying to catch up to her family
Poor Sweet Pineapple was barely 8 and she wasn't very fast either
Sweet Pineapple: Wait!
She was running as fast as her little legs would take her and the pouring...
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added by blazeandarose
Source: Made in the টাট্টু maker
added by shadirby
Source: Hub, Hasbro
added by shadowknuxgirl
Source: Me and the টাট্টু maker
added by lolsmakemelol
Source: Me
added by iluvsawniknmlp
Source: Drawing
added by FlutterMacLuva
Best Epic Pinkie Pie EVER
added by VideoGameNerd
Source: me, notablesilence on DA
added by cookiemaster
Source: Character (c) Me Creator (c)Pony Creator on Deviant ART
added by Seastar4374
Source: my friend Shealyn
added by AquoMoon
Source: me :D
added by noahnstar1616
Source: MLP: FIM Creator