-Do not make your character an Alicorn. Choose 1. Unicorn, অথবা Pegasus. And what's wrong with a good Earthpony?
-Do not make your character আরো powerful than the canon ponies. Example:My pegasus character is as fast/even faster than রামধনু Dash and The Wonderbolts!!!!
-Try to make your character have a unique talent. Don't make it something that a canon টাট্টু already has. Example: My টাট্টু has Pinkie Pie's cutie mark cuz she likes to party too!!!!
-(I haven't seen this so far, and hope I never see it in the future) DO NOT MAKE YOUR CHARACTER THE 7TH ELEMENT OF HARMONY
-Do not have a innappropriate(excuse my spelling) character. আপনি can have your character be mean, অথবা even evil. But do not make them too violent for My Little Pony. Example: My টাট্টু is a killer and always carries বন্দুক to shoot যেভাবে খুশী ponies!!!!!!!!!
I hope আপনি enjoyed my article, so have a nice দিন ^^