My Little Pony: FIM অনুরাগী Characters Club
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added by landedasteroid9
 An example of an Alicorn
An example of an Alicorn
(Remember, this is MY OPINION, আপনি don't have to agree)
-Do not make your character an Alicorn. Choose 1. Unicorn, অথবা Pegasus. And what's wrong with a good Earthpony?
-Do not make your character আরো powerful than the canon ponies. Example:My pegasus character is as fast/even faster than রামধনু Dash and The Wonderbolts!!!!
-Try to make your character have a unique talent. Don't make it something that a canon টাট্টু already has. Example: My টাট্টু has Pinkie Pie's cutie mark cuz she likes to party too!!!!
-(I haven't seen this so far, and hope I never see it in the future) DO NOT MAKE YOUR CHARACTER THE 7TH ELEMENT OF HARMONY
-Do not have a innappropriate(excuse my spelling) character. আপনি can have your character be mean, অথবা even evil. But do not make them too violent for My Little Pony. Example: My টাট্টু is a killer and always carries বন্দুক to shoot যেভাবে খুশী ponies!!!!!!!!!
I hope আপনি enjoyed my article, so have a nice দিন ^^
added by karinabrony
Source: Me for Cotton, Nikki for Jade...
added by karinabrony
added by AquoMoon
Source: Me
added by -MissRarity-
Source: Me
added by VideoGameNerd
Source: Google, Paint, Me
added by karinabrony
Source: Me
added by karinabrony
Source: Me
added by lolsmakemelol
Source: Me and টাট্টু Creator
added by iluvsawniknmlp
Source: Drawing
added by shadowknuxgirl
Source: Me and the টাট্টু maker
added by shadowknuxgirl
Source: Me and a background
added by Bluu-Metal-Star
Source: Bluu-Metal-Star
added by princess2109
Source: ...... Gernerl Zoi on DA
posted by carenwang90
OK, here is my টাট্টু list, feel to free to criticing me as আপনি like.

1. BlitzStar
Type: Earth Pony
Sex: Male
Occupation: Thunder Controller


2. CandyCane
Type: Earth Pony
Sex: Female
Occupation: Student


3. WaterQueen
Type: Unisus
Sex: Female
Occupation: Water Controller


4. AquaDrop
Type: Unicorn
Sex: Female
Occupation: Student


5. BlossomCupid
Type: Unisus
Sex: Female
Occupation: Nature Spirits


6. CutiePie
Type: Earth Pony
Sex: Female
Occupation: Student


7. SweetiePinky
Type: Earth Pony
Sex: Female
Occupation: Student

continue reading...
posted by ILOVEMLPs
 My very first OC created
My very first OC created
The very first OC that I ever made was an Alicorn named Beauty Star. She is pictured here. পরবর্তি I made on called Glittershine. She,also, was an Alicorn. She had big প্রজাপতি wings and was the color pink.I decided to make ponies of me and my বন্ধু too,so I made one of me. It had my brown hair,blue eyes and the body was my পছন্দ color. I made a টাট্টু of my two very best friends, Anna and Kajal. I continued to make আরো and আরো OCs To see all the OCs that I have created so far, please see the pick প্রশ্ন titled something like "Which one of my OCs do আপনি like the best". It has all of them inside it. I will be creating many আরো very soon and I will try to post them all on this অনুরাগী site and others as well. Also I am planning on creating my own website about My Little Pony.Anyway, I hope that আপনি and your family have a fun time creating My Little টাট্টু অনুরাগী characters!( some of my OCs are pictured here!)
 My latest OC creation
My latest OC creation
 A very Pretty pony!
A very Pretty pony!
 exact replica of Pinkie Pie
exact replica of Pinkie Pie
 My BFF Kajal as a টাট্টু
My BFF Kajal as a pony
 Me as a টাট্টু
Me as a pony
added by VampireBat
added by Night_Light