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NarutoCrypt What Is Your পছন্দ Out Of My Favorites?

2 fans picked:
ব্ল্যাক বাটলার
ব্ল্যাক বাটলার
no votes yet
পিকনিকের ঝাঁপি
পিকনিকের ঝাঁপি
no votes yet
no votes yet
full metal alchemist
full metal alchemist
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black cat
black cat
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 NarutoCrypt posted বছরখানেক আগে
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ব্ল্যাক বাটলার
Animeanimal picked ব্ল্যাক বাটলার:
dont yell just giving my straight up opinion.....*coughs*

Got tired of Pokemon after the 200's or something like that...

naruto is Awesome, but it doesnt have the charisma or charm that BB does

Fruits Basket I am currently obbsessing over, but there is something about the anime that well.....leaves you "empty"

DeathNote is VERY near BB, but Deathnote doesnt have Sebastian

full metal alchemist *the original* was a better version of the author's story so, in my opinion, it isnt genuine. The author has to make it 'good as is'

Black Cat.....the ending was to soon and there was things i didnt get about the anime.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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NarutoCrypt picked নারুত:
yes, well i can see even more values in some of these things, cuz i watched them like naruto shippuden. really, i think all these are tied for me! if something leaves me empty....well, dont reaaly care,imo. because even if it happens, its art, it has morals, and the characters are drawn very artisticly. so thats not a significant factor for me,(just makes me that much more excited to learn more! XP) i love bb myself, but along with everything else too. and i could NEVER get tired of pokemon. their adventures are always new, and it teaches you to never give up! one of my personal faves! and abnout the art of pokemon...its great as well! the designs are very creative. dont see how anyone could get tired of ANY moralistic anime........as of pokemon. it may be a kiddy - kiddy moral, but pleAAASE, its a sweet show that teaches little kids to never give up. but i do agree, ash is annoying. but there is always a person that bothers you in an anime. not everything can be perfect. and anyone who watches naruto shippuden and isnt satisfied.......well, not an anime fan. dont know anyone exactly like that yet, but i hope i dont find any.......cuz naruto is one heck of a show. (original and shippuden) and for deathnote, i loooove it, too! i made a new decision....if an anime has morals, i ATLEAST like it half/half. AT LEAST. i dont care if it's a kid's show or anything else like that. i give credit to anything that doesnt get as ignorant as american cartoons as of adventure time, and the regular show. at least stylan doesnt do the croch dance and click on his watch. ...O.o cant believe i just repeated that. well, there was my gallon-size rant.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
last edited বছরখানেক আগে