New ফ্যানপপ Users Club
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Okay so I started on ফ্যানপপ in June 2008 and I just finished making my 28th and LAST club.
I took a break for a few months and now I'm back to check on the সংগঠন that I created and also to যোগদান a few new ones.
When I create a club I have a specific personal code of ethics that I follow and this is how it works.
Choosing a name for the club, obviously depends on the topic অথবা if it's a যেভাবে খুশী অথবা versus and mash ups club.
Selecting the প্রতীকী and banner, once again depends on the topic.
Filling in all the details in the editing section, a বিবরণ of the club, categories etc.
Adding content, this...
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added by hellgirl223
Source: hellgirl223
added by rusty746454
haha the শিরোনাম says it all
added by rusty746454
sasgay your so easy to make fun of haha and as for dane cook the comendy genuis pure genis
posted by vider69
I joined ফ্যানপপ in June 2008, so I'm still pretty much a newbie, ফ্যানপপ actually found 'me' while I was looking for some Sex And The City wallpapers, I came across ফ্যানপপ it ব্যক্ত 'Register' অথবা 'Sign In' and as I was only just getting used to the internet side of the computer and had only just discovered how to send e-mails, I thought, 'well, why not?'
So I registered and did my profile, that was easy, Name: yeah, Age: tell the truth! পছন্দ Movies, Books, Hobbies and so on, Select A User Icon: yes I can do that, Submit, পরিলেখ Complete, easy? no it was like: 'what now?' I didn't know how...
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added by deathnote
This প্রবন্ধ was written on 18 December 2008, and describes some of the different সংগঠন on the site that are related to ফ্যানপপ itself.

Fanpop is a great site for joining together with other অনুরাগী of particular topics. The site is so great, in fact, that many সংগঠন have been created for ফ্যানপপ itself. How do আপনি tell them apart from one another? This guide attempts to distinguish them.

Fanpop clubs
These সংগঠন have to do with ফ্যানপপ the site.

link is for news and নবীকৃত তথ্য about the site and its features.

link is for new users to find information on how to use the site.

link is where users can...
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added by rusty746454
this video will tell আপনি how to make চকোলেট soufflaes.......or বন্ধু
নতুন ব্যবহারকারী
I was originally going to call this প্রবন্ধ 'Fanpop For Dummies' but I didn't want to offend anyone (Okay, so I thought it was funny) I really like this spot 'even though it seems apparent that some people don't' and I must say that I wish that this spot was around when I first started on Fanpop, which was about five months ago, now I'm not a ফ্যানপপ expert but I'll help wherever I can, obviously if you're a newbie and আপনি are পাঠ করা this আপনি have worked out how to যোগদান a spot ( অথবা club as they are now called, I prefer 'spot') and that's not supposed to be funny, it took me ages to get around...
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