I joined ফ্যানপপ in June 2008, so I'm still pretty much a newbie, ফ্যানপপ actually found 'me' while I was looking for some Sex And The City wallpapers, I came across ফ্যানপপ it ব্যক্ত 'Register' অথবা 'Sign In' and as I was only just getting used to the internet side of the computer and had only just discovered how to send e-mails, I thought, 'well, why not?'
So I registered and did my profile, that was easy, Name: yeah, Age: tell the truth! পছন্দ Movies, Books, Hobbies and so on, Select A User Icon: yes I can do that, Submit, পরিলেখ Complete, easy? no it was like: 'what now?' I didn't know how...
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