Nickolas St. North Wall

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BellaBlueEyes13 ব্যক্ত …
আরো অনুরাগী people আরো fans!!!! Hi can I have something for বড়দিন this year? And I knew আপনি were real but everyone says at my school that আপনি guardians are not real but I knew আপনি were real all along. I just knew it. আপনি know why? I feel it...... In my belly. হাঃ হাঃ হাঃ পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
BellaBlueEyes13 মতামত প্রদত্ত…
I'm actually 11 not 14 and am I on the naughty list? Plz say yes so I can be in it with Jack Frost! Plz!!!! বছরখানেক আগে
BellaBlueEyes13 মতামত প্রদত্ত…
Can I have the movie RISE OF THE GUARDIANS this বছর for বড়দিন plz and can I see আপনি all this বড়দিন like Jamie gets to its unfair. And can I have Jack, Sandy, Tooth, Bunnybund, and আপনি PLZ. And everything that has something to do with the rise of the guardians including pitch and his awesome nightmares! বছরখানেক আগে
BellaBlueEyes13 মতামত প্রদত্ত…
Ok, I'm confused! Is it Bunnymund অথবা Bunnybund because I have this app and it says Bunnymund and in ফ্যানপপ it's called Bunnybund weird, but since u are mostly with the Easter bunny, u night know আরো things about the Easter bunny so I wanna know his name. Is it the first অথবা second? বছরখানেক আগে