অ্যাঞ্জেল Don was born into a normal family, in a normal house, with a normal life. Though young she had to wear a hearing aid due to slight deafness in her left ear. Angel, দ্বারা the age of four, loved science and anything in her backyard, including আগুন ants. Though being bitten and stung she loved them, her family, and her life.
Her almost perfect life was about to change. দ্বারা the age of seven her mother had died of cancer and her father হারিয়ে গেছে in a gun fight, losing his life. Seven বছর old অ্যাঞ্জেল ran away, fright of being put in an orphanage. There, she ran to her parents graves, side দ্বারা side. Glowing....
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