প্যারিস হিলটন DO NOT MISS IT! The Thing of Paris Hilton for Sale!

yesbb posted on Jul 09, 2010 at 08:03AM
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am here to offer something unbelievable, something shocking and something that will make your brains melt down to the floor, that will make your hearts beat thousands times faster and will get you covered with salty drops of sweat!

All Paris Hilton’s crazy fans, I am talking to you right now, as the thing I offer is what actually you have always desired to possess! Now I’m here to make you happy! Excited?

You might know that Paris Hilton studied at Dwight School in New York for her sophomore and junior years. She was not a good student then, you know. Bad, bad Paris…

So… curtain-up, ladies and gentlemen!

I offer to you a five-page essay that Paris Hilton, as a student of Dwight School purchased at professays.com (paper mill)!!!

Moreover, I’ll send you a screenshot of the order form which contains lots of details like her E-mail (disabled, unfortunately)! You can’t miss this chance!

So how much do I want for this great thing of Paris Hilton?

Not much… $1 500 for something that is extremely exclusive!!!!

Where did I get the essay?

I was working at QA for the company at that time and had access to all orders!

Waiting for bids!

Essay Screenshot:

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